
Hoblings are a peaceful people, notable for their furry feet and hands, and distinctive bushy eyebrows and sideburns. They’re imbued with a strong sense of curiosity, a penchant for playful mischief, razor sharp wit and a love for collecting unique items. Generally poor fighters due to their size, most Hoblings adventurers rely instead on their seemingly innate luck and agility to avoid harm. This aversion to conflict is deeply ingrained in their culture, with Hoblings valuing community and camaraderie above all. Their societal structure reflects this ethos, with a focus on mutual support and cooperation.

Primarily found in the city-state of Teris located north of Tiefanue, Hoblings tend to be divided into two main groups: the homebodies and the adventurers. The homebodies, who form the majority, have adopted a quiet life of farming and labor broken up with vibrant festivals that celebrate a variety of different topics such as changing seasons, agricultural milestones, historic events or the birth of new Hoblings. These festivals typically feature music, dance, and elaborate feasts. Hoblings are incredibly hospitable, always ready to offer help to their neighbours or share their resources. This generosity is a cornerstone of their society, and being called a thief is one of the gravest insults, as it implies a betrayal of these communal values. These homebody Hoblings are rarely seen minus their Human and Savar neighbours. In contrast, the adventurous Hoblings are driven by a curious desire to explore the world and experience its wonders despite the risks and can be found all over Maud’madir. These wanderers are fun-loving, inquisitive, and sometimes considered an annoyance by other races due to their mischievous nature and biting wit. However, their love of sharing good stories and food tends to make up for it.

Language: Japanese

Life Expectancy: 170 – 200 years

Child 1 – 20
Teenager 21 – 30
Young Adult 31 – 80
Mature 81 – 100
Middle Age 101 – 150
Old 150 +


  • Originally Posted: July 27, 2020
  • Last Updated: January 30, 2025



A millennia ago at the birth of the mortal races, the Dwarves refused the Elder Grey Elves’ offer of sanctuary and tutelage and retreated into solitude deep beneath the mountains in the east. But not all of the Dwarves felt as their kin did. Some felt comfortable within the Grey Elven society and even liked being under their tutelage for generations. These hopeful and trusting Dwarves remained and slowly over eons became the race now called Hoblings.

These Hoblings retained their hardworking, industrious traits from their Dwarven ancestors, but also enjoyed the surface and sunshine too much to live buried deep within the mountains as if entombed prematurely. Dwarvish blood is strong however and most Hoblings still maintained housing under the earth whenever they had a choice, just not as deep as their cousins, opting instead for burrows and similar cozy underground homes. Unlike most Dwarves who so admired the strength of cold hard stone, the Hoblings enjoyed living their lives in comfort and warmth whenever possible.

When the race of cat-like Savar’Aving appeared, these two races began, and have kept, excellent relations ever since. It is said that the Savar were a great influence on the young Hobling people, the curiosity and love of adventure were slowly adopted by many of the Hoblings, and it is now common to find Hoblings who simply roam the world to explore everything they may find.

The Hoblings did not have much of a relationship with the Avians, the other race to flourish under the Grey Elven rule. This is mainly due to the superiority complex of the Avians, which the Hoblings tried, and failed, to overcome. Eventually, the Hoblings simply left the Avians to their own devices and lived happily with their friends, the Savar’Aving.

Hoblings and Humans became friends almost immediately after their first encounter, while under the protective gaze of the Grey Elves. In fact the two races became so close and started so many relationships together that for the only time in recorded history, the two races were able to have children despite Hoblings being descended from Dwarves. Many scholars agree that the only explanation for this shift in Hoblings from the Dwarven to Human lineage is that of the secret involvement of Grey Elves behind the scenes. Perhaps the Grey Elves felt that Hoblings would be better served with close bonds to the humans, once they departed their enclave. The truth has never been confirmed.

After some time, a faction of Hoblings emerged with the desire to establish their own kingdom, seeking independence from the Grey Elves. Frustration grew among these Hoblings, leading to heated debates among their leaders—an unusual occurrence given their typically mild nature. Eventually, during one of these contentious meetings between the faction heads and their followers, the Grey Elves made an unexpected appearance. Both sides immediately fell silent to hear their patrons speak. One of the Grey Elves addressed the assembly, expressing their belief that the Hobling race was ready to move on from the Grey Elven haven and pursue their own path. Though the journey ahead would be challenging, they assured the Hoblings of their support if needed. As a parting gift, the Grey Elves presented the Hoblings with a comprehensive history of the Hobling race, penned by the Grey Elven scholar Merellien Zinven.

All the Hoblings in attendance concurred that it was time to move forward and step out into the world, especially with the Grey Elves’ blessing. After expressing their heartfelt thanks, the Hoblings eagerly packed their belongings and departed from the Grey Elven haven less than a year later. United in their journey, they ventured forth and eventually discovered a valley at the foot of Mount Dracos. They founded a township, elected a mayor, Tassilo Rumblebully, and formed a protective force known as the Sheriffs to guard against any potential threats. However, they soon learned that Styphon’s Undead, commanded by the Orb of Power, Thade, roamed the mountain’s environs, and the town’s guards were ill equipped to fight them. With Mayor Rumblebelly’s untimely passing in a misadventure within Styphon’s own lair, his son Marmadoc guided the Hoblings north to a fertile land along the western coast of the continent. There, they decided to settle and began the work of establishing their new home.

The Hoblings have resided in that land and its surrounding areas ever since. The inner area, eventually built into a city, was called Teris, after the first mayor elected by the original inhabitants of their new home, Walden Teris.

The Chisaka Beri Incident and the Yokai

In the summer of 2262, the peaceful Hobling settlement of Chisaka Beri in northeastern Teris faced a terrifying threat: a horde of Undead. The Hoblings who lived there found themselves in desperate need of help. Just when hope seemed lost, the Charmolipi, a group of demon-hunting fox Wolven, arrived to their aid. In their desperate bid to save the Hobling settlement, they made a sacrificial pact that ultimately transformed them into the Yokai. This act of selflessness and bravery ensured the safety of Chisaka Beri but came at a great personal cost to the Charmolipi, altering their very essence and binding their souls between the mortal and demonic realms.

This heroic act forged a deep bond between the Hoblings and the Charmolipi, and the story of this alliance is still told with reverence and gratitude in Teris.


Adventurous Hoblings can be found all over the world, but their ancestral home is the Commonwealth of Teris, situated on the western shores of Maud’madir, north of the Kingdom of Tiefanue and south of the Savar’Aving Queendom of Felnir, both of which are their two closest allies. The shores west of Teris are dotted with bustling ports and tranquil fishing villages. Inland, the landscape is a patchwork of farmlands, orchards, and quaint towns, each with its unique charm.


Hobling culture is rich with tradition and community values, deeply rooted in their ancestral home of Teris. Known for their warm hospitality and strong sense of kinship, Hoblings place great importance on family and communal gatherings. Their vibrant festivals celebrate the changing seasons, agricultural milestones, and historic events, often featuring music, dance, and elaborate feasts. Some Hoblings are also known for their adventurous spirit, which drives them to explore beyond their borders, fostering a culture of curiosity and openness to new experiences. In daily life, the Hoblings’ respect for the land and each other is evident in their cooperative farming, shared responsibilities, and the care they extend to their neighbours and allies.

Beauty Standards

A primary measure of attractiveness among Hoblings lies in the length and thickness of their brows and sideburns. These features are often the subject of spirited debates among Hoblings, each defending their perspective on what constitutes the pinnacle of attractiveness.

In addition to brows and sideburns, secondary features play a significant role in Hobling beauty. The hairiness of one’s hands and feet is considered particularly appealing, signifying a natural and robust constitution. A certain softness of physique is also admired, conveying a sense of comfort and warmth that is deeply cherished in Hobling culture.


Hoblings have a unique dietary requirement that sets them apart from other races. They need to eat more frequently, although in smaller portions, to sustain their quick bursts of energy. This frequent eating pattern is essential for the agility and speed that Hoblings rely on for their swift dodges and rapid running.

Their diet typically consists of high-energy foods that can be quickly digested and used, such as fruits, nuts, and grains. This eating habit is not just a necessity but has become a cherished aspect of Hobling culture, often leading to communal eating and sharing, reinforcing their strong sense of community and camaraderie.


One trait of Hoblings that all other races find surprising is their attitude toward thievery. Unfortunately, due to the open and sharing nature of Hobling culture, sometimes Hoblings overstep boundaries when interacting with other races regarding possessions and wealth. In Teris, it is common for Hoblings to borrow tools, food, and literature from their neighbours. However, when some Hoblings venture beyond Teris, they might assume that other races share in the same way. This misunderstanding can lead to accusations of thievery.

While some may consider Hoblings to be notorious thieves, being called a thief is actually one of the gravest insults to them. Hoblings define stealing as taking things you don’t need with the intention of keeping it forever. Stealing is unnecessary in Hobling culture, because the practice of taking things from your neighbours is normalized. Those who ‘steal’ are deemed quite wicked and are outcast for not adhering to societal norms. Hobling adventurers often stretch the original intent of this practice, which can get them into trouble if they aren’t too careful.

Five Sons Bakery (Berphaunt)

Nestled in the heart of Berphaunt, Five Sons Bakery presents an innocent façade with its mouth-watering pastries and breads, yet harbours a sinister secret. This seemingly quaint bakery is a covert supplier of deadly poisons to the world’s most notorious assassins. Its most infamous creation, “the Humble Loaf,” is deceptively ordinary bread laced with a poison so cleverly masked that it defies detection. The establishment exclusively employs Hoblings for their baking prowess and unique immunity to these lethal substances, developed through a gruelling initiation process. Despite the risks, Hoblings continue their double-edged craft, producing both delightful baked goods and potent poisons, making Five Sons a favoured haunt for locals craving sweets and those with darker intentions.

The bakery was founded by Alaric Cobblepot, a resourceful and cunning Hobling with a dark past. Once an esteemed alchemist, Alaric turned to the shadows after a failed experiment that scarred him both physically and mentally. Seeking redemption and purpose, he established Five Sons as a means to blend his love for baking with his alchemical expertise. Alaric’s complex nature is reflected in the dual nature of the bakery, making him a figure of both admiration and fear within the Hobling community.

Hoblings back home in Teris have mixed feelings about the infamous bakery. While they appreciate the craftsmanship of the pastries and breads, there’s a sense of unease about the rumours of its secret poison business. Some Hoblings admire the ingenuity of the bakery and how it employs fellow Hoblings, but others can’t ignore the sinister side of its operations. The bakery is viewed with simultaneous pride and caution.

Finder’s Day

Finder’s Day stands as the premier celebration for Hoblings across the Kingdom of Teris and Arthos, embodying their love for discovery and storytelling and always taking part in the month of July. Despite its name, this festival typically spans an entire weekend and invites participation from everyone.

The essence of Finder’s Day is a competition: participants seek out the most remarkable item, or “Finding,” and pair it with an engaging story to present to the Great Finder. This central figure of the festival acts as both overseer and judge, evaluating each Finding and ultimately choosing a winner. The victorious participant is then honoured with the title of the new Great Finder, tasked with judging the next year’s festivities. In cases where no previous Great Finder is available, the oldest Hobling assumes the role, or one may travel from a neighbouring town to fulfill this important duty.

Relationships and Childbirth

As Hoblings seldom wish to commit to anything indefinitely, it’s rare for Hoblings to officially declare courting or engagement. Instead, the happy couple simply disappear together for a period of time, subtly informing their loved ones that they are safe and will return soon. Most families take the hint and while the couple is away, sneak into their homes to restock their pantries and linens. Upon their return, the couple will typically host a modest party to celebrate their new relationship.

Roots and Shoots Festival

Since relationships are less defined than in Human or Elven cultures, pregnancy often does not lead to marriage or even cohabitation. Because of this, when children are born, it is customary for Hobling communities to throw a large ceremony known as a Roots and Shoots Festival. The ceremony lasts all day and often well into the late night. During the ceremony gifts for the child are given as well as gifts for the parents. Important parts of the ceremony including appointing Godmothers and Godfathers and often skill based games are used as ways for potential Hoblings to prove themselves worthy of the titles. The games are extremely varied and silly and Hoblings are always trying to invent new ones to make their ceremony memorable. The culmination of the ceremony is always the naming of the child. Guests will approach the parents during the day and tell stories of Hoblings who have come before, their greatest accomplishments, and why the newborn should take their name. The mother always has the final say, but by listening to the stories the Hoblings celebrate new life while also honouring their dead.

Funeral Rites

Hobling funeral rites reflect their peaceful nature and strong sense of community. When a Hobling passes away, the entire community comes together to honour the deceased. The ceremony usually takes place in a lush, open field, symbolizing the connection to the fertile lands that sustain their way of life. Family and friends gather to share stories and memories, celebrating the life of the departed rather than mourning their loss. The body is often adorned with flowers. A key aspect of the funeral is the communal meal, where the community shares food and drink, reinforcing their bonds and offering comfort to the bereaved.

In addition to the communal gathering, Hobling funeral rites include a symbolic journey that reflects their inherent curiosity and love for exploration. The body of the deceased is placed on a simple, handmade boat, which is then set adrift on a gentle river or stream. This final voyage symbolizes the Hobling’s continued journey beyond the physical world, embracing the unknown with the same adventurous spirit they exhibited in life. A common phrase repeated at Hobling funerals is: “Not all Hoblings are adventurous in life, but all Hoblings are adventurous in death.” Family members often place small, cherished items or mementos with the body, signifying the importance of personal connections and memories. The community then watches as the boat floats away, offering quiet prayers and heartfelt farewells.


The City-State of Teris

Teris is a bustling city, encircled by lush, productive farmlands. Despite the chaos within the city, crime is a rarity, and violent crime is almost unheard of. The city thrives on the strong sense of camaraderie among the Hoblings. The fertile lands surrounding Teris yield some of the finest crops in the world, with the region particularly renowned for its premium pipe-weed.

Trade relations with other nations are robust, with emissaries constantly striving to expand these connections. Although Teris isn’t particularly affluent, it boasts many sought-after exports. The economy relies heavily on trade with Tiefanue, and to a lesser extent, with Felnir and Duvain.

Most people might assume that Teris lacks a formal political system, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The Hoblings have crafted a rather complex but effective system of governance, first introduced to them by the Grey Elves. Over time, this system evolved into the well-structured government that the Hoblings have today.

At the helm of Teris’ government is the Mayor, elected annually during the Election Fair—a festive occasion designed to give everyone the time to cast their vote. During this fair, a large booth with a massive chalkboard is set up, and officiating Hoblings, known as Judges, tally the votes. These Judges are typically Head Sheriffs from the surrounding areas and carry the votes from their regions with them. At sunset, the votes are reviewed, and the winner is declared.

The new Mayor’s first act is to declare the following day a holiday, spending it and the night shaking hands with hundreds of citizens – a tradition started by the Mayor Brindin Fizzelwhip, who won five consecutive elections due to this popular move.

The Mayor’s primary responsibility is to appoint council members, though the role is largely ceremonial. The council members hold semi-permanent positions, with the Mayor occasionally appointing new members or creating positions for friends. The major council positions are held by competent Hoblings, as few others desire the responsibilities that come with these roles. The council includes the Head of Trade, Head of Justice, Festival and Fair Organizer, Supreme Head Sheriff, and the Ambassador Dispatcher.

  • The Head of Trade manages trade negotiations, monitors exports and imports, and addresses trade-related concerns, often working closely with the Ambassador Dispatcher.
  • The Ambassador Dispatcher maintains communication with ambassadors, providing official orders and documents.
  • The Head of Justice is responsible for creating and amending laws, usually with recommendations from the Supreme Head Sheriff.
  • The Supreme Head Sheriff oversees law enforcement, with Sheriffs and Head Sheriffs reporting to them. Sheriffs act as law enforcement officers, while Head Sheriffs preside over trials as judges.
  • The Festival and Fair Organizer plans and executes city-wide events, a role considered one of the most prestigious in Teris, albeit labor-intensive. There is a common half-serious joke that suggests the person who holds this position is really the one in charge of Teris, due to Hobling’s love for festivals and how easy it is to influence a Hobling through them.

Despite the council’s semblance of disorder, the Hobling political system functions well due to the societal values that drive the city. The council-people represent the voice of the people, ensuring Teris runs smoothly in the background while its residents go about their daily lives. Though effective for now, the system’s reliance on societal order could make it vulnerable to significant disruptions in the future.

Curiously, Teris as a whole is both part of the Whiteraven Alliance and Empire of Berphaunt in an unprecedented and unexplained duality. As of 2267, this still remains a mystery.

Religion and Superstition

Hoblings, as a race, are not particularly devout practitioners of religion. That being said, Teris is still sprinkled with a diverse array of churches dedicated to light gods, primarily due to the proximity to Tiefanue and travelling missionaries who often visit. Official churches to Dark or Savage Gods are absent in Teris, although it has been rumoured that small gatherings of Hoblings upset with Archbishop Roderick Hale’s legacy have been looking for faith in new places.

Hoblings in Teris are generally distrusting of Dragon followers. Their proximity to Styphon has soured their opinions of the Firstborn as anything other than tyrannical selfish beings. Hoblings will sometimes tell their children not to stay out too late or Styphon’s Undead may find them. Adventurous Hoblings however know better, and understand that not all dragons seek to exert dominance in the same way.

Ajaunti regularly stop by in Teris to sell wares and participate in their many festivals. This has led to some Ajaunti influence seeping into Hobling culture. They both have a love of food, song and dance and are naturally great allies. They have also inherited some of the Ajaunti superstitions, however many Hoblings don’t take them seriously, and instead use them as excuses to act in a silly or fun way. Adolescent Hoblings will go so far as to make up superstitions then tell them to the younger generation as a prank, which leads to them growing older and doing the same to the next generation.


Teris lacks a traditional military or standing army, choosing instead to maintain order through a network of Sheriffs and Judges. These local law enforcement officers are responsible for upholding the peace, resolving disputes, and ensuring the safety of their fellow Hoblings. This system reflects the Hoblings’ inherent aversion to violence and their preference for peaceful, communal living. However, Teris is not entirely defenceless; in times of great peril, such as during threats of invasion, monsters or large-scale banditry, neighbouring allies Felnir and Tiefanue have historically come to their aid. These alliances underscore the strong bonds of friendship and mutual support that exist between the Hoblings and their neighbouring races. The Sheriffs, renowned for their resilience and adeptness at small manipulations, are highly skilled in maintaining internal order. Their roles extend beyond mere law enforcement, often involving mediation and community support, further solidifying the tight-knit fabric of Hobling society. Judges, who are often retired Sheriffs, preside over trials and ensure that justice is served fairly and impartially. This unconventional approach to security and governance allows Teris to thrive without the need for a conventional military, relying on the strength of their societal values and the goodwill of their allies to safeguard their peaceful existence.

Common Personalities & Views

Hoblings are generally known for their peaceful and comfort-loving nature. They cherish a life of tranquility and harmony, most steering clear of conflicts and violence whenever possible. This aversion to conflict is deeply ingrained in their culture, with Hoblings valuing community and camaraderie above all. Their societal structure reflects this ethos, with a focus on mutual support and cooperation. Hoblings are also incredibly hospitable, always ready to offer help to their neighbours or share their resources. This generosity is a cornerstone of their society.

Despite their overall preference for a peaceful existence, a subset of Hoblings is driven by an insatiable curiosity and a thirst for adventure. These adventurous Hoblings often seek out new experiences and knowledge, exploring the world beyond their homeland. They are characterized by their playful and mischievous nature, always in search of excitement and novelty. These Hoblings are sometimes seen as a bit of a nuisance by other races. Their journeys allow them to collect stories and experiences, which they eagerly share with others upon their return, enriching the cultural tapestry of their communities.

The dichotomy between the homebodies and the adventurers is a defining feature of Hobling society. While the majority of Hoblings prefer a quiet, settled life, tending to their farms and engaging in communal activities, the adventurers bring a dynamic element to their culture. This balance ensures that Hobling society remains vibrant and diverse, with a wealth of experiences and perspectives contributing to their way of life.

Views on Other Races

Ajaunti: “We love their free spirit and festivals, but their connection to ghosts is spooky.”

Avians: “They look down on us, seeing us as weak and insignificant, only dealing with us if we become too annoying.”

Dark Elves: “Dark Elves usually ignore or diplomatically dismiss us, sometimes using violence, but generally have no interest in us.”

Draconians: “Wise and respectful for the most part, depending on their ties to different dragons.”

Einher: “Loud and aggressive, we don’t get along very well.”

Fae: “We’re fascinated by the Fae’s free-spirited ways and get along well, but their lifestyle can be overwhelming for us eventually.”

Gargylen: “We feel sorry for their origin but have come to enjoy their company.”

Gnomes: “A little too chaotic for our tastes.”

Grey Elves: “We have a historical connection with the Grey Elves and send them annual gifts, though other races often dismiss this as Hobling-prattle.”

High Elves: “High Elves tolerate us diplomatically, but don’t engage deeply. They’re interested mainly in our culinary goods and herbs.”

Humans: “Humans find Hoblings quaint and amusing; some even trade a lot with us, especially Tiefanue and Duvain.”

Ice Elves: “Ice Elves rarely interact with us and don’t trust our free-spirited ways, finding us undisciplined and irrelevant to their ways.”

Mountain Dwarves: “We see Dwarves as cousins and generally get along well, but prolonged interaction can sometimes get on their nerves.”

Ogres: “Ogres mostly ignore us, viewing Hoblings as too weak to matter, though a few do find us amusing and befriend us.”

Orcs: “Orcs and Hoblings don’t mix well. Orcs are too violent for our peaceful nature, and tend to see us as weak and useless.”

Savar’Aving: “We get along best with the Savar—they share our curiosity, leading to great trade and strong relations between Felnir and Teris.”

Sidhe: “Very mysterious, we don’t know much about them.”

Wild Elves: “Wild Elves often ignore us, but they seem to respect our love of the land.”

Wolven: “They have warred with our allies the Savar, and we feel like they take themselves too seriously.  But we have no ill will towards them.”

Wood Fae: “They make great friends! I wish we could interact more often.”

Yokai: “We love Yokai because of the sacrifice their people made. We’ll always offer Yokai a place in their homes.”

Roleplaying Tips

For prosthetic sideburns, you can use pieces of fake fur sewn into snap clips or bobby pins. False eyelashes with spirit gum can work for longer and thicker eyebrows. For “hand hair” you can try a pair of mesh finger-less gloves that have been dyed to match your skin colour then sew more pieces of fake fur inside so that it pokes through the holes.

For roleplay, even if you lean into the “adventuring” style of Hobling culture you can still show some of the homebody roleplay by decorating your camp or cabin area with plants and garden materials, making it as comfortable and welcoming as possible. Lots of snacks also suits Hobling roleplay, and being just at home at the tavern than the dungeon fits Hoblings as well. Most Hoblings view strangers as potential friends before potential enemies, but those that reject their friendship are prime targets for their vicious taunts.

Investing in skills like dodge and trip can help you survive if you’re less of a combat oriented character, and taunt works great from behind a shield wall!