The Amaranthine Legion

Battle Cry: We. Are. Unbroken!

Founded in the year 2261, the Amaranthine Legion lays claim to a large swathe of the continent of Amaranthia, an untamed jungle expanse of danger and wonder to the south of Maud’madir. The Legion believes that above all else, freedom is won by might, and such might cascades down to all who follow the Legion’s example. Separate, the clans were strong, but misguided. Together, they have become an unstoppable force of Orcs and other Greenskins, varied in their traditions, cultures, and creeds, but all with a single driving force in their hearts: A desire to be free. The Legion and its Warlords offer the promise of brutal strength to those who swear to their banners. To those that oppose the Legion’s right to exist, they promise only death. At the Legion’s apex sits the High Warlord Gigoliath the Flame Thrower. His will is fire. His people are free.

The Legion itself finds its origins with the first real united power on Maud’madir, a massive and immensely strong tribe of Greenskins then known as Clan Sprawn. Sprawn warred for control of their homeland with the then Kingdom of Berphaunt for many years, before falling victim to a terrible arcane genocide that wiped all but one of their-once mighty clan from the face of Arthos. And although Sprawn was dead, this savage blow in turn gave rise to the scattered tribes of the Sons of Sprawn, who sought revenge for their forebears. While Berphaunt thought to extinguish the flames of hope within the Orcs, all they did was send forth a sea of sparks. Together, these sparks eventually formed the Amaranthine Legion; a brighter flame than any clan before them.

The Amaranthine Legion
  • Originally Posted: July 21, 2022
  • Last Updated: March 17, 2023


The Great Gathering

The culmination of the war against the Firstborn Ta-Ba-Ret, still masquerading in the stolen corpse of the God Ga’more, bore the creation of the then Savage Legion. Not since the days of Warlord Master Bröduex Sprawn of Clan Sprawn, had there ever been such a congregation of coordinated Greenskins in one area.

Many of the clans have had their views on the world altered to varying degrees since the formation of the Legion. Some of these views were changed once they heard the prophecy given by the former leader of the Sons of Sprawn, Grundella the Tangled, who in the spirit of a people reunited, symbolically altered her title to the “Untangled.” Other clans instead chose to focus on reclaiming the southern continent of Amaranthia. For that was the home that the ancient Kingdom of Berphaunt stole from their ancestors, and it is there that they hone their anger to build, instead of destroy. However, many more still have the roiling seed of rage in their hearts, and the great atrocity of Clan Sprawn’s eradication has forged that seed into a driving force to become greater and stronger than any other kingdom or empire on Arthos.

Grundella the Untangled died in single combat at the hands of Gigoliath the Flame Thrower, the then Head of the Brewlord Clan, on the shores of Amaranthia during the night of August 4th, 2261. This was her final wish, as she was nearing the end of her days, and sought to see if someone was worthy to claim leadership of the newly formed Legion from her. Her body was then carried by Brewlord clansmen back to the Clan Blackthorn encampment for burial rites, as Gigoliath ascended to the position of High Warlord over the entirety of the Legion’s forces.

Now calling themselves the Amaranthine Legion, meaning “that which does not fade,” this haphazard nation of the Greenskins has begun to rise with the speed of a tidal wave, and a cohesion not seen since the golden age of Clan Sprawn. While the old betrayals of Elvish and Human kingdoms still stings the minds of the Legion, for many, but not all, the venom of hate no longer entraps their every sense as they work to raise their kin to power and glory. The eight major clans of the former Sons of Sprawn now swell to ten under the banners of the Legion, and while many have chosen not to leave their territories of influence in totality to join in the burgeoning jungle nation, all have sent a large number of representatives to populate the capital fortress of Voynak.

Astride the ten major clans, there effectively exists an eleventh; The Duesworn Fellowship. They are composed primarily of Greater Gargylen who, after having left the public face of Arthos for over a decade, made themselves known in July of 2264. Adding their might and wisdom to the Legion’s ranks, they are followed by many groups of newer Gargylen, who seek to honor the sacrifice of their ancestors who fought alongside the last stand of Clan Sprawn in days long past. This action alone has sent both excitement and unease across all nations of Maud’madir, as such a unity of military might and order-focused knowledge has never before allied with the Goblinoid races to this extent.

Political scholars from both the Empire of Berphaunt and the Whiteraven Alliance postulate that it is only a matter of time before all clans of high station seek to emigrate to Amaranthia in full. While some soft spoken nobility of both sides believe this could be a true sign of change for the better, many more-vocal members of the upper classes see this as only a harbinger of future conflict.

Government and Legion Law

The Amaranthine Legion is a kratocratic Greenskin society with a council of eleven clan Kincallers who oversee the edicts of the High Warlord. All clans swear fealty to the High Warlord as the figure of unbridled will within the Legion, but still hold allegiance to their individual clan codes and Warlord. There are no noble titles in Legion society, only one’s rank in their chosen clan and the respect it garners from one’s peers.

Should a territory seek to become oathsworn to the Amaranthine Legion, the Greater Gargylen of the Duesworn Fellowship will oversee its inclusion into the fold. The people of the community will be the ones to name one of their own as their War-Scarred, who shall form their local laws. For all intents and purposes, the chosen War-Scarred presides over the territory as one would a clan, with the Gargylen Overseers there to guide, but never control.

Those who refuse to become oathsworn are watched carefully by the Legion’s scouts. Should they ever pose a direct threat to Voynak or its warriors, no quarter will be given by the Warlords and their forces. Currently, only those lands and peoples within the massive southern continent are being considered for union with the Legion, but the Duesworn Fellowship have begun favourable appeals with the High Warlord to consider oathsworn townships abroad in Maud’madir.

The Legion’s Law is simple; The High Warlord is mighty. Their will is law.

Only the strongest of mind, body, and spirit are fit to lead the Legion’s warriors. The High Warlord’s edicts disseminate down to the Warlords, who inform their War-Scarred, who then bring such knowledge to their kin. Only a Warlord may challenge the word of the High Warlord, and must do so by bringing their grievances before the council of Kincallers.

The High Warlord forgoes ties to any one clan when they take the position of leadership, instead representing the Legion as a whole. Under their direct command are the Honor Guard and Arbiter Guard, who fly the flag of the Amaranthine Legion as their heraldry.

The current ruler is High Warlord Gigoliath the Flame Thrower, Uniter of Creeds, Slayer of Shuc’Noc the Eternal and Grundella the Untangled, The Mammoth Breaker, First Ogre of the Ebon Khan, Guardian of the Muckwater Goblin Tribe, Half-Father of the Brewlord Clan.

To date, he has given only three proclamations regarding Legion Law in specific:

  • The eleven major clans may conduct themselves as they see fit to their people’s creeds, so long as they adhere to Legion Law. Smaller clans may keep their traditions, but must adhere to Legion Law.
  • The worship and reverence of Malagant the God of Undeath and Necromancy, Shiloth the Shadow Dragon, Styphon the Black Wyrm, and Ilyxtriak the Colossus are outlawed within the Amaranthine Legion under penalty of Final Death.
  • The people of the Amaranthine Legion come before any higher calling.

The Eleven Clans of the Legion

While the Amaranthine Legion is made up of countless minor clans, the eleven most powerful and influential are the following:

The Harbingers of Baaagh

Warlord: Guulda the Glaive, Orcish Dread Knight and Cinderheart of Baaagh

Region: Widespread/Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 95% Orcs, 5% Other Goblinoids

Clan Code: “Follow the carvings of Baaagh. Wars are not the only fights in life; find them all.”

Symbol: A bloody axe splitting a Humanoid skull.

While the Heart Eater’s chosen children, descended from the Crimson Titan Clan of old, needed no reason to make war, the one for a new homeland burned brighter than magma in their violent hearts. With each Brood’s cracked carapace and every ounce of their acidic blood spilled, the Harbingers established a larger foothold in the heart of Amaranthia.

They are known for their uncanny mastery of Fire Elemental magic, bestowed upon them through the dark rites of their Cinderheart warrior-priests. The burning coals that ignite in their chests grants them the previously unknown ability to wreathe any weapon they hold in a fire that spills forth from their veins. This honor is reserved for the most holy chosen of Baaagh, and the secrets of these rites are sworn by blood oath to never be revealed to those unworthy.

The Harbingers are seen by other Orcish followers of the Heart Eater, often begrudgingly out of jealousy, as the living exemplars of Baaagh’s tenets. They treat the blood drawn symbols of the God as the most holy edicts of their sanguine existence, and venerate the element of fire with equal measure.

Their Warlord Guulda is said to have been the first blessed with this gift by Baaagh by way of his authority over the Orb of Power, Shimm. She is more than capable of wielding any weapon with deadly efficiency, and is said to rarely make use of her Harbinger’s Blade, an obsidian glaive known as Cauterost. She boasts that the fights end too quickly when the blood-hungry weapon is released from its confines, and so only uses Cauterost against those she deems worthy of the Bloodletter’s true attention.

The Bar’Ghul

Warlord: Ozura the Gravelord, Ogrish Necromancer

Region: Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 100% Ogres

Clan Code: “No masters but the self. Wytches and their Patrons are good only for their soon-to-be reanimated bones.”

Symbol: A dark-purple Ogre skull with a fissure running down the middle of the forehead.

With the former Warlord Shuc’Noc the Eternal’s death in 2259, and the subsequent removal of the Bar’Ghul from the Sons of Sprawn, the clan suffered greatly. Those few who were not put to the blade or forcibly conscripted by Clan Blackthorn squabbled over who would become the next Warlord. Two such Ogres were Vyacheslav the Crimson Ledger, an elderly, male Ogrish Wytch, and Dominika Grim Harvest, a slightly younger female Ogrish Necromancer. When the call to war was sounded, both headed to Amaranthia, emptying their former keep upon the slopes of Mount Dracos. Both had heard of a relic capable of expunging the other’s magic from the clan, and so raced to beat the other to its uncovering.

While the specifics of the aftermath of their battle are not openly known, leadership fell to Dominika, as she claimed an ancient Grey Elven relic known as a Mana Well. Utilizing its power, she managed to forcibly wrench all the Demonic energy from her clan, severing their pacts and removing their Wytchcraft. In exchange, she forcibly replaced it with her own magic; that of Necromancy. When she brazenly tried to use the last of its power to become a Lich as her former Warlord once did, her daughter Ozura slew her with a Wasting Death spell mid-way through the Ritual. Ozura barely survived the necromantic backlash, but survive she did. With her right hand stained a deep purple from the infliction magic she sustained, Ozura took up her mother’s skull as her new Necromancy spell focus. She demanded by right of succession that she become the new Warlord of the Bar’Ghul. None dared to contest her ascension. She maintains a strained relationship with the fortress of Voynak, and as such only her single Kincaller and herself are allowed within its stone walls.

The Bar’Ghul have laid claim to a northern corner of the Amaranthian jungle, a foul and corrupted forest known as the Copse of Immortals. It is there that they practice their uncouth craft in utter hatred of the Demonic, and in freedom from their once-servitude to Styphon the Black Wyrm. They believe that Necromancy is the true antithesis to the Demonic hordes and their vile magic. Those Ogres who once possessed Wytchcraft seek to find their former Demonic sponsors, and brutally annihilate their spirits with infliction until not even the Hells can reform their essence.

Despite their new calling, rumours still persist that a few secretive elders continue their reverence to Styphon, their former Draconic Patron.

The Stormborn

Warlord: Krulbjorn Lightstrike, Orcish Paladin of Valdr, First Advisor to the High Warlord

Region: Southeastern Mjoll/Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 60% Orcs, 40% Einher

Clan Code: “Valdr’s wisdom is what brought us together. It is his bravery that shall keep us strong, and the Legion as one. Be worthy of his Halls.”

Symbol: A diagonally falling spear, from right to left, wreathed in lightning.

The Stormborn are unique in that they are the only clan to be an equal mix of Orcish and Einish culture, and perhaps as a consequence are seen as the wisest and most diplomatic clan in the Amaranthine Legion. It was Krulbjorn who entreated most with the other nations when the Amaranthian War against the Brood began, and it was he who spearheaded a voice of reason to many of the smaller clans to join with the world against the Brood threat.

Warlord Krulbjorn is a battle-seasoned Orc, dressed in a Einish kilt of muted dark brown and green colouration, with a white sleeveless coat lined in plates of steel. He is said to wield a longspear that felled an Einher Jarl who ordered his death by a hail of poisoned arrows. This holy Defender, known as Kloktbult, is rumored to have been empowered by Valdr himself as Krulbjorn made his final stand against his would-be assassin. Ever since that day, Krulbjorn has been at the forefront of combat with his clan brethren, leading by wise example.

It is said that all the northfolk who now stand beside him are descendants of those who defected from the Einher Jarl for his lack of honor. The Stormborn owe the cooperation of their warriors of Orcish and Einish descent to familial bonds, and shared cultural values of strength and valor in battle. They believe the power of wisdom to be paramount, making diplomacy and strategy their two most-wielded weapons. Many other clans feel that they are too forgiving, but others see them as a possible future for the Goblinoid and Humanoid peoples to live as one.

As of the end of the war, Warlord Lightstrike also became the direct Advisor to High Warlord Gigoliath, and frequently spends large amounts of time in Voynak to aid in its upkeep. When he is not there, Krulbjorn occupies a large stronghold near the southeast border of Mjoll and Jormunger. The Stormborn still maintain the staunch worship of Valdr the God of Valour and Wisdom, and have been sending word across Maud’madir of the Legion’s new holdings upon Amaranthia. Aside from a handful of Am’Rath, the Einher loyal to Krulbjorn are currently the only Humanoid race allowed to set foot within Voynak, and work alongside their adopted Orcish brethren to maintain the standing army of the fortress.

The Vendetta Concordat

Warlord: Elijah Four-Horn, Minotaur General and Wearer of the Coiled Mantle

Region: Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 100% Minotaur

Clan Code: “Deception shall never again take our kin. Our vendetta evolves against the secrecy of the True Fae and the Shadow Dragon’s poison. Let corruption be rooted out by horn and hammer!”

Symbol: A silver helmet with curling ram horns.

With their oath of vengeance fulfilled against the Whiteraven settlers who flooded their home, and the alchemical destruction of many of their forces still tied to the Firstborn Shiloth’s hands, the Concordat vowed to amend their previous oaths of revenge into one of defiance. They now act as the vanguard of the new Legion, crushing any who would oppose their right to a homeland, just as the Razor-Vine Clan once did for them. In doing so, many Minotaur across Arthos see them as radical expungers of societal corruption, and have begun taking a greater notice of the Legion’s choice of allies.

The Concordat now leave their subterranean homes by way of Destroyer-class ships of Orcish design, patrolling both the Felnirian border waters and the oceans around Amaranthia. The escalating Bladed Armada, the naval force of the Legion, are primarily crewed by the Minotaur of the Concordat. Many have transferred their wood and metalworking trades into that of shipwrights to grow the Armada’s vessel count. Captains of the Concordat have begun staking their claim to ships in progress within the drydocks of Port Grundella, the northernmost coastal Legion town on the continent.

Concordat Minotaurs are a unique blend of nautical and tunnel-fighting experts, having experienced pitched fighting in both environments extensively. They are the punishers of oathbreakers, and the keen eyes that scour the Legion for signs of sedition. It is said the figureheads of Concordat ships continually leak a trail of alchemical mist down the length of the vessel, inoculating the crew against Charm-related concoctions while aboard. This near superstitious level of proactiveness is a direct result of Shiloth once using Domination chemistry to completely control an entire invasion force of Minotaur during the primary Amaranthian landfall of 2259.

Their Warlord Elijah is a tall and collected Minotaur, bearing the title of the Four-Horn. The title was passed among the former leaders of their tribe of Urdyfnder and represents the absolute authority of its people. With the creation of the Concordat came the crafting of the Coiled Mantle, a mithril helm with twin ram horns atop its crown, and adapted to fit over and around the existing horns of the Minotaur who wears it. The helm is said to shield Elijah from magical Charms and Fae magic. Additionally, it can channel their willpower to animate nearby iron weaponry to psionically fight alongside them as a metallic flurry of goring implements. Elijah is never seen without the helmet, and commands their people with a harsh but battle hardened wisdom. They wield twin warhammers whose striking heads are fashioned from the horns of their late spiritual leader, Gorejax the Navigator, in honor of his memory.

Clan Blackthorn

Warlord: Azar’Gauf Gaunttooth, Orcish Deathstaller and Weapon Master, Mentor of the Honor Guard

Region: Widespread/Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 100% Orcs

Clan Code: “We are the old way. We remember honor and the brutal retribution for its disrespect. Let us teach our enemies how we endure.”

Symbol: A black Orc skull pierced by two black spikes in a cross pattern. Twin black weapons are vertically depicted either side of the skull. The weapons change stylistically to suit each individual enclave’s weapons of choice.

When Grundella the Untangled fell in combat, for the first time in 50 years, Clan Blackthorn had no leader. The clan was known for their traditional Orcish values, having been second in size and influence only to Clan Sprawn. Many sought the title of Warlord, as power sought to fill the vacuum that Grundella’s death had created. For seven days and seven nights many of the clan’s strongest fought in bout after bout of brutal combat, but in the end it was Azar’Gauf Gaunttooth who claimed both victory and respect over the ancient clan.

The aged Orcish warrior’s tireless resilience and denial of death’s embrace saw him through to the status of Warlord. He demanded adherence to the old way of honor with his rise to power, and maintains that it was the core of Blackthorn’s success in times past. His twin mastery of Protection and Healing magic is said to be peerless amongst the clans. He seems to shrug off blows with the manic fervor of an immortal soldier, awaiting a day when Death finally poses him a true challenge. He bluntly states that he is no healer, and would rather punch through Undead with his mailed fists alight in restorative mana then raise the wounded on the fields of battle. Similarly, his impenetrable Protections are imbued only into himself, to the extent where many Blackthorn warbands refer to him as “The Army of One.” However, those he personally deems to have gained his trust have been known to share in his magic should they fight alongside him. In combat, his ferocity is aided by the greathammer Kulak, a hideous piece of platinum ore pierced by a steel pike that smashes through his foes with ease.

Clan Blackthorn now stands as the largest singular Orcish clan in the entire Legion. They see themselves as the true Orcish way, set apart from any one particular God or Dragon’s influence, and base their culture around the three values of might, honor, and history. They are known as both utter monsters to their enemies, and the most steadfast protectors to those they call allies. Even their worst detractors pay them respect for their glory-filled ancestry and adherence to tradition.

The majority of Clan Blackthorn now stay directly within the capital of Voynak, but the might of the clan pierces abroad into every corner of Maud’madir. Warlord Azar’Gauf mentors the Forest Troll Honor Guard of the High Warlord, alongside the direction of Guard Captain Tzuba the Black War Troll. This rigorous training ensures only the finest of the green giants serve as the last line of defense for the Legion’s head.

The Redshred Clan

Warlord: Spittleslade Gutrender, Goblin Grand Artisan and Maestro of the Charnel Organs

Region: The Shadow Isles/Western Maud’madir/Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 99% Goblins, 1% Forest Trolls

Clan Code: “Find them, catch them, chain them, bind them, grind them, and make them sing!”

Symbol: A red Goblin fist with claw marks on the back of the hand, crudely painted in blood over a black background.

War is always good for business, and its end brought Spittleslade no end of annoyance. He and the Redshred cared little for the unification of the clans initially, but soon found a new nation would need supplies en-masse. Countries don’t simply build themselves, after all.

Spittleslade and the Redshred now have begun a lucrative campaign across Maud’madir to fund the construction efforts of the Legion, as well as arm their new warriors. With no other options for such a steady influx of well-made implements, the Legion have turned a current blind eye to Spittleslade’s viciousness. His Organ-Grinders, Forest Trolls imbued with powerful chemistry, now act as his tireless muscle, as well as the means by which the Warlord makes his ‘symphonies’. Those who attempt to renege on a deal with the Goblin Maestro find themselves crunched and ground by the massive machina manned by the Trolls. Their screams filter through it like a macabre music box, while the marrow dust left behind becomes a useful material for Spittleslade’s alchemical concoctions.

The Redshred see it as their mission to liberate enslaved Goblins, as well as bring death to their jailers. They frequently break Goblins out of prisons, with unspeakable consequences for their captors. Their secretive workshops dot the entirety of Maud’madir, and filter supplies and freed Greenskins back to Amaranthia by unknown means.

Spittleslade is a master Artificer and Chemist. Though not a fighter, he wields a magical mail-breaker stiletto known eponymously as Gutrender with deadly skill. He is said to sport all manners of finery, though torn and stained in ways that would denote its likely violent acquisition from a now long-deceased noble owner.

The Razor-Vine Clan

Warlord: Thera’Zhul Oakenheart, Orcish Arch-Druid 

Region: Northern Forests of Berphaunt/Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 90% Orcs, 10% Goblins

Clan Code: “They have robbed Arthos of his harvest. Now, we will sow the new seeds and water them in blood.”

Symbol: A tusked wild boar with dark-green thorny brambles spiraling from the background behind it.

Although Thera’Zhul himself was not present at the war on Amaranthia until its final days, the destruction he witnessed to the jungles of the continent first hand brought him to pause. Trees soaked through with acid. Soil tainted by the spawning pits of the Brood. Amaranthia itself was heaving in pain, and he could not stand idly by.

Thera’Zhul summoned many of his finest Druids to begin the healing process of nature warped by Ta-Ba-Ret’s influence. The Razor-Vine have returned, proverbially, to their roots of defenders of the Wormwood, the realm of Nature magic where the spirits of plants and animals go to be reincarnated into new forms.

The aid of Arthos’ varied peoples coming together to stop the destruction to nature showed the Razor-Vine the potential for good in the rest of the world. However, such potential has not clouded their sense of judgment. Now beyond the point of zero tolerance, the Razor-Vine have begun destroying any attempt at the undue harming of nature with extreme prejudice. They do not trust any who bring excuses for their excessive logging, or fervent gem mining. There is only the wrath of Arthos, the Wormwood, and the Razor-Vine.

This proactive and ferocious stance has had some label them the “Dark Druids” of the Legion, with many Druidic circles viewing them with horror. The Razor-Vine maintain that those whom they have seen respect the wilds shall be spared their deaths, but not their tireless vigil. Even a minuscule hint that a non-Legion settlement seeks to harm but a single tree without need, will garner the full force of the clan’s magics to be brought down upon them.

Thera’Zhul is a large Orc, clad in a full coat made of slain Mountain Dwarf beards. He is a powerful Nature and Protections Ritualist, capable of beseeching the Wormwood and its Hunt-Masters to aid him. His totemic form is said to be that of a massive boar, which he uses to ruthlessly gore any who seek harm to the foliage of Arthos. He has been known to even convince the mighty Ents to his cause in times of need, preferring communion with plant-life to most people.

The Scortchmaw

Warlord: Mogrim Khan, Orcish Dragon Knight of Rathenoch and Great Khan of the Gerdainian Mountains

Region: Eastern Gerdainian Mountains/Eastern Maud’madir/Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 91% Orcs, 6% Am’Rath, 2% Red Draconians, 1% Other

Clan Code: “While our enemies look down at the hordes of Legion Orcs, our drakes shall reign hell from above them. Like Rathenoch before the sun, we will shadow them in death and fire.”

Symbol: A roaring red Orcish face with black lower jaw and tusks, framed by large red Draconic wings. Some depictions have flames licking upwards from the open mouth.

Though the glory of the Amaranthine Legion’s creation brought much tribute to the mighty Red Dragon Rathenoch as he slumbered deep within the Gerdainian mountains, Mogrim’s fellow clan-brothers and sisters’ close ties to the Celestials led to them distancing themselves from the Great Khan after the war. Returning to the east with half of his Scortchmaw, and having the other half remain on Amaranthia, Mogrim continues to lord over his conquests on both continents.  Although the majority of Mogrim’s hordes are still composed of Orcish warriors, many small Am’Rath tribes of the Wildlands north of Berphaunt have sworn themselves to him. Although these warriors are vulnerable to fear, they fight with the same strength and ferocity as any Orc, and as such, have earned the Great Khan’s respect.

While he resided in the formidable walls of Voynak, Mogrim found himself strangely inspired by Krulbjorn Lightstrike, whom he initially saw as a rival at best and a foolish God-shackled warrior at worst. While he could never rectify the Paladin’s need for the God of Valour and Wisdom, Mogrim did concede to Lightstrike’s unyielding sense of honor. The Scortchmaw would never cease their demands of tribute, but it is said that Mogrim has wizened since the Amaranthian War, and is more inclined to accept parley versus his former stance of pillaging. That being said, any of his War-Scarred who have questioned what they foolishly see as a growing weakness have been impaled and left to be torn asunder by his red drakes. Though Orcs feel no fear, these acts have stemmed the majority of dissension within his ranks, largely out of begrudging respect for his overwhelming strength and ruthlessness.

The Scortchmaw are all trained as warriors from the moment they can hold a sword. It is said that to truly join the Scortchmaw, one must undergo a rite to ingest liquid fire, giving way to their noticeably-blackened lower jaws. The clan as a whole functions as a massive military unit, sharing spoils of war amongst one another to bolster the strength of the whole. They revere Rathenoch with as much fervor as they do their Warlord, and will frequently join other Dragon Knights of the Red Dragon on their conquests and revelry. However, as The Scortchmaw hold both loyalty to Rathenoch and the Amaranthine Legion equally, many clans wonder what would happen if such a time came where their goals did not completely align.

The imposing Mogrim Khan, while a master of Draconic, Fire, and Stone magics, is most at home with a bow. Riding on the back of his elder red drake Khrolisvaro, he is said to be able to accurately pick off targets with pinpoint accuracy, while his mount spews gouts of terrible flame to consume his enemies. He utterly refuses the role of a passive General, instead choosing to fight alongside his soldiers at the vanguard of his hordes.

The Spawn of Sprawn

Warlord: Snotbog, Kobold Prophet of the Great Kaboom

Region: Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 100% Kobolds


Symbol: A round, black explosive trap with a fuse ending in rays of gold light.

Come the end of the Amaranthian War, many of the Warlords wished to expunge the Spawn of Sprawn now that their usefulness had run its course. It was then their fanatical leader Snotbog revealed the existence of a cache of hidden explosives beneath Voynak. Threatening to detonate the fortress as a great tribute to his “Deity” unless his Kobolds were allowed to stay, it was the High Warlord’s counsel that convinced the other clans to stand down out of prudence.

The Spawn of Sprawn have now begun creating fields of explosives to set apart Legion borders from the rest of the Amaranthian continent, and to stave off any wild Brood still remaining a threat in the jungles. They now act as a clandestine force of wholly unseen, but never unheard, Kobold trappers. Using their formerly implausible coordination, they praise their chosen Celestial of dubious validity, The Great Kaboom, while simultaneously exploding remaining Brood dens; a pair of acts they are happy to continue.

Snotbog is said to be the oldest known living Kobold, rumoured to be over a decade old. He utilizes traps in ways that rival the greatest minds of the craft, has an obsession with fire, and carries with him at all times a Gnomish flint-sparker said to have been attained in trade from the people of Terror Mountain, a region within central Amaranthia. He believes himself to be the reincarnation of the first Avatar of the Great Kaboom, The Kobold God of Entropy and Destruction, and as such is the true chosen prophet of the supposed Deity’s fiery word.

Rumours have trickled off the continent of a force of creatures beholden only to Snotbog and the High Warlord himself that live beneath the fortress of Voynak in a series of tunnels. These living manifestations of entropic explosions are known as Angels of the Great Kaboom, and are said to have been summoned by Snotbog as a “gift” for the High Warlord. While many at first thought this a tall tale spouted by the mad old Kobold, his first demonstration of the slime-like entities ended in raucous eruptions of both Light and Dark magic from the creatures’ bodies. The Warlords who initially wished the Kobolds gone from the Legion have all quieted since this display, utterly baffled by and somewhat concerned about the seemingly Angelic creatures that protect their underground.

The Ebon Khan

Warlord: Scissa Manyeyes, Orcish War Queen and Hivefather

Region: Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 100% Ebon Khan Orcs

Clan Code: “You called, we came. We are the many, we are the one. You are the hive. We will protect.”

Symbol: A large, horned and armored beetle of varying crude designs with four small eyes across its thorax.

The Ebon Khan are a race of dark-green Orcs that made their home on the continent of Amaranthia for centuries. They were the only clan remaining after the Brood eradicated the rest of the Goblinoids, evolving to survive the infested jungles at great cost to their people. First encountered in 2259 on the shores of the continent, they were seen as alien and bizarre by the arriving forces of Arthos. Some had extra eyes, while others possessed insect-like mandibles. Older Orcs had black chitin growing over their skin like armour. In truth, the Ebon Khan had adapted to survive the harshness of Amaranthia’s Brood occupation. Their children were placed inside the egg sack of a still living, captured Brood Queen and, using ancient and secretive rites, would emerge as changed warriors of the clan. They possessed a personal Hivemind connection to each other, and as a result became very resilient to charming influences and acidic liquids. This also gave them a limited form of invisibility to the rampaging Brood, who simply viewed them as neighboring kin. Their personalities were almost stripped away by the constant mental link to one another over such a long isolation, lending to their strange way of referring to one another in the plural. After meeting with the Warlords of the Sons of Sprawn, the Ebon Khan decided to join with the growing horde of Greenskins in defense of their homeland.

Their Warlord is an ancient Orc known as Hivefather Scissa Manyeyes, although they refer to themself as the War Queen. They are said to barely resemble their mainland kin at all. Their body is almost entirely encased in steel-hard chitin resembling black marble, while their face bears four pairs of extra eyes across their forehead and cheeks. They are seen as an efficient leader to the clan, and have used their vast knowledge of the Brood to keep their people alive over hundreds of years. They are inquisitive and industrious, despite their innate paranoia of outsiders.

Since the defeat of the Dragon Ta-Ba-Ret, the Matriarch of the Brood, the Ebon Khan lost the once strong Hivemind connection that they had all shared. This jarring change sent most of them into seclusion while they figured out their newfound individuality, for even the oldest of them could not remember a time when I was not We. In time, they mastered a more subtle psionic link with one another, in the form of projected and shared emotions amongst those that currently do or once bore a connection to a Hivemind of any kind. They have begun using this empathic projection to round up the remaining wild Brood across Amaranthia in an attempt at bestial domestication. When such attempts are successful at pacifying the erratic creatures that are not yet controlled by one of the remaining Brood Queens, the blue-tinged Ebonling Brood that are created are no more dangerous than a trained beast of burden. These tame Brood aid the clan in both defense and agriculture. This being said, many still treat the Ebon Khan with fear due to their terrifying practices, lack of understanding of their culture, and ultimately point to how controlling Brood has historically ended in catastrophe.

The Duesworn Fellowship

Leader: Keeper, Of Shattered Shackles, Greater Gargylen Golemancer and Overseer

Region: Amaranthia

Racial Breakdown: 70% Gargylen, 20% Greater Gargylen, 10% Golems

Clan Code: “We were made to serve, we were bred to serve, we were forced to serve, but we shall serve no more.”

Symbol: A large, winged Gargylen in abstract, with prismatic shards of glass shattered around them.

While separate to the clan structure of the Legion, the Duesworn Fellowship is nonetheless an integral part of its Arthos-wide presence. They are composed of the grand majority of the Greater Gargylen, who were once created as slaves by the Conclave of Berphaunt, and eventually became the progenitors of the Gargylen race. The Fellowship flocked to Amaranthia atop strange Golemic creatures resembling quadrupedal beasts that seemed to rise up from the eastern waters. After pledging their loyalty and sharing secrets of architecture from their time upon a faraway continent, the Legion accepted them as brethren for their shared history with Clan Sprawn.

The Duesworn are led by Keeper, a Greater Gargylen clad in rusted, broken chains and manacles that are never restored or removed from their body. While the council of Legion Kincallers have given them the honor title of “Warlord,” they prefer to simply refer to themself as a Leader and nothing more. They serve no God, revere no Firstborn, and hold a pact with no extraplanar force. To the Duesworn, the truest master of one’s life is themselves. No Deity or reverential Overlord should usurp choice, and it is in that freedom that they choose to support the Legion. Many wayward Gargylen have sought out their progenitors to embrace the growing nation the Goblinoids have created, as they themselves have lacked a homeland to call their own since their creation.

The Duesworn have begun bolstering the Legion with nameless constructs of their own creation. These large, sentient Golemic beings are made from stones taken from the deepest fissures of the seas, and seem to flawlessly store the amassed knowledge of their peers. Akin to walking libraries of information, they have begun augmenting the already considerable shared skills of the clans with further knowledge of masonry, politics, agriculture, philosophy, and Ritual magic.


The Capital Fortress of Voynak

The capital fortress of Voynak was named by the current High Warlord after the first Orcish War-Scarred to raise up arms against the early Berphauntian Humans who threatened their kind: Voynak the Uniter. Just a week’s travel inland from the northern shoreline sits a collection of great buildings of ancient Amaranthian granite, these massive buildings sprawl intertwined with the foliage in a massive semicircle at the base of a mountain. The city’s original name and method of construction were lost to time, but it has since been pain-stakingly restored to base functionality for the purpose of serving as the Amaranthine Legion’s new seat of power in the Winter of 2262.

The outer walls of stone stand 40 feet high, with battlements lined with ballista and mangonel. The main gates to the interior, standing 30 feet high and 3 feet thick, are known as the Charred Gates. The gates’ acid-burned appearance belies its strength, as its heavy iron was one of the few parts of the outer walls without the need for repair by Legion architects.

The city itself is haunted by the immensely powerful spirit of Voynak the Uniter, whose presence allows the passage of Goblinoid ghosts throughout the city’s interior. Manifested for all to see, the ghosts wander as they desire, using the very city itself as a spiritual nexus point. Some choose to visit their living blood relatives to impart wisdom from the past. Others too ancient to form verbal communication simply watch over the new generation like spectral guardians. Unlike most apparitions, the citizens of the Legion see these spirits not as ill omens, but as the walking visages of their history. Some of the Orcish spirits even date back to the first days of Goblinoid life on Amaranthia. No matter the phantom, all swear allegiance to whoever sits upon the Throne of Warlords as the High Warlord, and will defend Voynak’s inner fortress by infusing its warriors with their otherworldly strength.

Voynak is split into three ringed boroughs, separated by ascending stone steps leading to the next, and surrounded by ringed 40-foot high walls: The Ring of Ancestry, The Ring of Honor, and The Ring of Theatre.

The Ring of Ancestry

The outermost ring, reserved for the great masses of the Goblinoid people. Those clanless, undecided or otherwise, dot the many stone homes of the first ring. It gains its name from the majority of the ancestral spirits who wander the city congregating there amongst the large masses of Greenskins. Thousands of Goblinoids mill amongst their ghostly forebears, seeking competition, family, and livelihood.

It is also upon this ring that the main barracks of the Legion are held, leaving most of the city’s warriors nearest to the defense of its walls. Many are made up from innumerable smaller clans, who made pilgrimage across Arthos to fortify the growing capital upon word of the Legion’s success. Finally, the initial ring houses the restoration project of an ancient artifact that once utilized Gate magic, requisitioned by the High Warlord upon Voynak’s rebirth. Orcish Archmage L’ruu Kiorvazch of the Skein Dominion is overseeing the study of the artifact, and as of May 2264, has retrofitted it with enchantments to form a working Skein Gate. There was equal clamoring for both opening commerce through the Gateway’s usage, and keeping it firmly closed to outsiders. The decision reached by the High Warlord and his Kincallers was to keep the portal firmly shut until the Amaranthine Legion had settled its internal affairs. The Skein Dominion has agreed to those terms, and as such the Gate remains closed.

The Ring of Honor

The second ring is the home of members of the eleven major clans of the Legion. It is divided into ten districts, denoted by buildings or large tents bearing the symbol of each major clan, save for the Gargylen of the Duesworn Fellowship. Their leather banners hang for all to see, some depicting scenes of great conquest, prowess, or important moments in their clan’s history. Each district is designed in a style seen to by the Kincallers of each clan, giving way to an eclectic mass of sprawling structures. The only exception being the Bar’Ghul, who bear a singular mausoleum in their district that houses their Kincaller alone.

Instead of a district, the Duesworn lay claim to a massive keep constructed along the southern border of the Ring of Honor known as the Grand Orrery. Many of the Greater Gargylen perch along the high walls and the four drum towers at its corners, using their powerful wings to balance like a horde of living gargoyles. A stronghold in its own right, the Grand Orrery stands as a sprawling marvel of design within Voynak.

Each district is subject to the individual laws and customs of their clan, however the Legion law of the High Warlord supersedes all others as a unified national edict. Despite this, the High Warlord continues to allow all of the same freedoms as was customary for each of the major clans, within reason.

The ring houses many fighting arenas and places of worship or reverence to the higher powers. Not merely confined to Baaagh, the favoured God of most Orcs, the various churches and temples are split haphazardly within the ten districts, and offer all a chance to impress their chosen patrons. This has caused more than a few squabbles that have then turned into turf wars across multiple districts, especially between the Orcish Hosts of Rathenoch and Blood Pits of Baaagh, but all end eventually. The Arbiter Guard, beholden to no one but the High Warlord, patrol this ring the most, ending violence and keeping a rudimentary state of order. They are composed primarily of Gargylen from the Duesworn Fellowship, and are treated with respect by all warriors of the fortress. While it cannot be said they bring a fully encompassing sense of structure to the chaos of the Ring, they do maintain the concept of honor. Those who seek recompense for acts of aggression are instructed by Arbiters to challenge their foes to honorable combat in the uppermost fighting arena of Voynak.

The Ring of Theatre

The final ring stands elevated above the others, housing a massive stone arena hundreds of feet high and wide. The immense structure is reserved for the training of the Arbiter Guard, as well as combative entertainment. It was here that the ancient clans of years long past settled disputes, and praised their higher powers through battle. Many issues arising from The Ring of Honor are fiercely resolved within the sand pit of the colossal stadium of stone, watched over and mediated by the Arbiters. It stands as one of the few places of Voynak not reinforced by reconstruction efforts, as it has stood stalwart against disuse for many centuries. The immense theater of battle is oval in shape, with tall pillars of varying heights that crest over its upper lip. Across the stands, banners of all manner of clans hang forth, some so ancient and faded that their symbology has been lost to the ages.

The only point higher than the arena in the final ring is the building that sits atop of the giant 62 stone Steps of the United. The stout building’s roof is covered in the long dried carapaces of Brood, forming grim shingles that ward it against the elements. The Honor Guard of Forest Trolls stand stalwart before the iron doors of the structure, bearing heavy cloaks and large armor of fearsome craft. Within the singular 60-foot diameter chamber, serving both as war council and throne room, are long leather banners of all eleven major clans of the Legion, with the original eight across each of the eight walls. The final and newest banners of The Spawn of Sprawn, Ebon Khan, and Duesworn Fellowship hang from the middle of the 80-foot high room in a triangular pattern, framing the remains of a massive mammoth skeleton. The gargantuan bones are hooked and lashed to the ceiling by heavy chain and rope, the skull noticeably missing the majority of both tusks. Goblinoid skulls soaked in deep green alchemical light mixtures act as sources of verdant luminance, and are set into 16 alcoves within the walls. A heavy circular stone table sits in the middle of the chamber with maps of all kinds atop its granite surface, depicting the continents of Arthos and its waters. And it is behind this, at the far end of the chamber, where the High Warlord sits. The Throne of Warlords, chiseled out of a singular piece of Amaranthian granite, depicts a rising blade being held by an Orcish warrior at its 10-foot tall back. Four Goblinoid faces are carved to look like they emerge from behind the chair, two from either side: an Ogre, Kobold, Goblin, and Troll.

It is said that sometimes the spirit of Voynak the Uniter himself, mummified and trailing his ceremonial wrappings of a burial long past, can be barely seen manifested – watching over the chamber to the right hand of the High Warlord.

Port Grundella

Along the north-western shore of Amaranthia a smaller town has been erected, housing a growing number of Orcish Destroyer-class ships that are being constructed under the direction of the Vendetta Concordat’s forces. This port, known as Grundella in honor of the former Warlord of the Sons of Sprawn, is currently the only point of civilizational ingress to the continent. Though it is currently little more than a crude scattering of over twenty docks, several drydocks, and five steel-wrought barracks than anything else, the possibility of waterborne trade routes to the Amaranthine Legion have begun to open with its rising. However, due to the current wishes of the Kincallers, the borders of Legion lands are firmly closed to all but the Goblinoids, Gargylen, and Minotaur, with exceptions only made for Einher, Am’Rath, and Red Draconians with sworn backing from The Stormborn and The Scortchmaw respectively.

The port is currently defended by two large Orcish galleons, The Undying and The Glory Ripper, each outfitted with a dizzying array of large ballista and siege catapults. Behind their anchored forms and away from the other drydocks, a massive flagship sits. This awe-inspiring vessel has been crafted from the charred wood and reclaimed metal of former Whiteraven and Imperial vessels, which the Orcs claim were set to torch by the Church of Light not long after the death of Ta-Ba-Ret. The craft is currently in the final stages of construction. Elusive rumours that have since traveled to the mainland suggest that the ship, named The Great Naradd, will become the High Warlord’s personal warship and mode of naval transport once finished.

The ruling Captains of the nearby pirate town of Dark Harbor currently have no direct stance on the new Orcish port. However, it is rumoured that for the right price and amongst the right sailors, passage into Amaranthia can be bartered from the Harbor’s docks.

Major Holidays

The Sunless Betrayal of Clan Sprawn

Observed by: The Amaranthine Legion, and heavily by Clan Blackthorn

Although the exact date has been lost due to Clan Sprawn’s near expunged history, this time of warmongering and rioting occurs the first week of June. The then Kingdom of Berphaunt, the Conclave, and their allies trapped Clan Sprawn and their few Gargylen allies with foul magics never before seen on Maud’madir. The end result was the absolute genocide of the clan.

Before traveling to the summit on Day’ten and his eventual death at the hands of Emperor Louis Berphaunt, Thaytok the Last Son of Sprawn, who managed to escape the death of his people, described a “cacophony of screams and roars where the Sun could not reach… then silence” to a Seer named Yuak Blackthorn. The account of Thaytok’s last description has been carried by Seers of Clan Blackthorn ever since. Whatever horrors the unfathomable arcane magic unleashed upon his people, the one thing that was certain was that no Goblinoid or Construct remained; physical or spiritual.

While all Goblinoids observe a chosen day of rampaging, Clan Blackthorn chooses to do so for the entire week. As they were the second largest clan at the time compared to Sprawn, they see what happened as a grim reminder of the potential for utter destruction that Berphaunt possesses. Orcs furthest from the Voynak’s eyes have been known to even go out on brutal raids to satisfy their pain and revenge for the unjust destruction of their kin. While the High Warlord has vehemently outlawed the practice under penalty of death, his gaze undoubtedly cannot pierce into all corners of Arthos.

The First Rebellion and the Thunderous Blow

Observed by: The Amaranthine Legion

During the Amaranthian War of 2261, a group of Orcish adventurers uncovered the lost jungle fortress of the original tribes who came together to resist the imperialism of ancient Berphaunt. With its rediscovery, knowledge of their lost historical brethren has been restored to the Legion. A vision, given by Voynak the Uniter’s ghost, showed how on the 20th day of May, the First Axe of War was used to repel the advance of the ancestors of Berphaunt hundreds of years ago. Though Voynak was War-Scarred of a small tribe in the Amaranthian jungle, his act of defiance with the steel-bladed axe forged by the advancements in Orcish society, sparked the eventual fire that would become the combined Legion. This retaliation gathered other clans to his cause, showing the first Humans of the continent both the true strength of the Orcs, and their capacity to be an equal threat to their own military forces.

Known as the First Rebellion after Voynak the Uniter’s ancient actions, the clans plan a great feast crafted by local War-Scarred and their finest cooks to honor the fallen of times past. It is a time of raucous celebration, and a showcase of culture to all. All throughout the day, local clans will create challenges to earn their respect. Some may seek the finest story told of a competitor’s experience with glorious combat. Others may enact trials of endurance, such as the drinking of poisons or an endless gauntlet of fighting to see how long one may last. The more industrious clans seek those with the finest craftsmanship of armour or weapons, seeking new designs to incorporate into their own work. All lineages and races may participate, so long as they adhere to the principles set down by the issuers of these challenges, with victory resulting in honor being given unto their names. At the end of the celebration, Seers with mystical prowess will call forth spirits of long dead warriors or leaders from their clans to pass on knowledge and advice to the newer generations. Those who have won their honor may listen to such words alongside the clan they have garnered favour with.

Similar celebrations called the Thunderous Blow, named for the swing of the reclaimed First Axe of War against the skull of Ta-Ba-Ret, are held on August 5th. This occasion marks the formation of the Amaranthine Legion, and the end of the Amaranthian War.

The Blood Knight of Baaagh

While the city maintains a diverse theology of many differing higher powers, it cannot be argued that the worship of Baaagh is highly prevalent amongst its denizens. With immense pride does the armored juggernaut look upon the rising Goblinoid power, and as such has granted the new fortress a boon. When enough blood has been spilled within the walls of Voynak, sometimes its life-giving essence can call forth an incarnation of Baaagh called the Blood Knight. Clad in rusted splint mail of rolling shadow, and wielding a halberd formed from crystalized blood, the identity of the Blood Knight is dependant on which fallen warrior of Baaagh spilled the greatest amount of blood that year. Upon their arrival, the Knight will begin challenging all they come across to quench their thirst for combat. It is seen as an omen of good fortune to a Voynak homestead to survive a fight against the Blood Knight as they storm through the three rings of the fortress. Though the shadowy incarnation cannot leave the borders of Voynak’s walls, they bear a ferocity unmatched by many within, and will defend it to their dying breath if the need should arise. The last and most recent Blood Knight was that of the Orcish hero Orokgrim Gibelplot, or “Doomflesh” in the common tongue.

Despite this gift, the current High Warlord Gigoliath has given no great overarching allegiance to Baaagh, or any other higher power for that matter. He maintains that the bonds of the Goblinoid people should be paramount, and the worship or reverence of the Gods and Firstborn should never come between it.


The might of the Amaranthine Legion comes in no small part from its military forces and their ferocity. While each clan has their own ranks, when called to fight as one the Legion bears several titles that form a disjointed yet strangely effective chain of command. The only way to ascend in rank within the Legion is to challenge someone just above one’s station to an honor duel, or be appointed by the Warlord of one’s clan.

In general, only a Scarbearer may challenge a War-Scarred, a War-Scarred challenge a Warlord, and a major Warlord of the founding eleven clans challenge the High Warlord. While the terms of such a duel must be agreed upon by both parties, the higher the challenge for station the more dangerous the terms must be. This often results in death for at least one competitor.

Despite losses from the Amaranthian War, the citizens of Voynak have swollen to enormity, with more arriving by ship to Port Grundella by the month. However, since no census has ever been taken of the Goblinoid people, the true number of warriors that the Legion can muster is currently unknown. Due to the militaristic nature of the Legion, the ranking of its armies and its societal hierarchy are one and the same.

High Warlord: The true leader of the Legion, who oversees the entirety of its practices. While they have absolute control, they must take counsel from the eleven Kincallers to ensure decisions do not cause uproar amongst their people.

Warlord: The leader of an entire clan, no matter how widespread they may be. They assign local War-Scarred to oversee enclaves of their people, and are the global face of their clan’s values.

Kincaller: An emissary to clans of importance within the Legion. They are treated as an extension of the will of their Warlord and fellow clanmates, usually staying within the capital fortress of Voynak as a representative. They are given the same respect as their Warlord, and cannot be challenged for their position, save for by a member of their own blood family. They are expected to bear the position for as long as they draw breath.

War-Scarred: The leader of an enclave of a clan. They assign ranks within their group, and take on a Shaman and Scarbearer. They are responsible for leading their enclave within the area they reside.

Shaman: Sometimes known as a Seer, Sage, or Warcaller. They are the second in command to the War-Scarred, and offer counsel into the mystical arts, or temper the War-Scarred’s decisions with learned wisdom. Their position may not be challenged without the blessing of the Warlord of that clan. The Shaman of a clan’s Warlord is often referred to with the prefix of “High” or “Elder.”

Scarbearer: Head of a group of warriors. Depending on the size of the enclave, there should be no more than a single Scarbearer, however larger tribes may have several. Each is a proven leader who trains warriors in the art of combat, as well as leading them on the field of battle. Anyone in the clan may seek to challenge a Scarbearer for their position.

Oathblood: A rank usually held by those outside of Voynak. Oathbloods are liaisons to one of the major clans, and are considered to be a part of that clan as well as any other clan they belong to. They are recognized with respect, but otherwise hold no intrinsically great title within the clan who bestowed the honor. Their rank may not be challenged. It can only be revoked by the Warlord of the appropriate clan for behaviour unbefitting of one allied to them.

Warrior: A member of the clan. While all are varied in role, they nonetheless make up the backbone of each tribe. Warrior is a rank given to a Greenskin of the Legion when they have proved they can first competently swing a weapon. As this Warrior progresses through service to the Legion, they may gain additional ranks such as War-born, 1st to 4th Blooded and so on.

The Bladed Armada

The Bladed Armada is the waterborne force of the Amaranthine Legion. They are treated as their own clan, but are populated by many who call the seas their home. Their vessels fly an iron-gray flag with an Orcish skull surrounded by ten blades facing outward, with an eleventh held in the skull’s teeth. The armada is slowly amassing a grand fleet of Destroyer-class ships, mainly crewed by the Minotaur of the Vendetta Concordat. These Destroyers appear to be quite ramshackle at first glance, but are in fact extremely sturdy and deadly vessels that bring terror to non-Legion ships that spy their flag. What they lack in speed, they make up for in sheer mass, able to deflect most siege assaults with ease via their thick armoured hulls. Each ship bears a prow of serrated metal capable of reducing most other ships to flotsam upon a single ramming maneuver.

Views on Other Factions

The Empire of Berphaunt: The past of Sprawn shall never be forgotten, but it is the future that lies ahead. They will never truly understand our kin, nor will we theirs. Let them have their Imperial Palace; we bear our impenetrable strongholds. Let them keep their prim grounds; we pave ours with glory.

The Whiteraven Alliance: Their theocracy is what blinds them. We move amongst our ancestral kin. They only see Light and Darkness. Leave your sanctimonious opinions on the other side of the ocean; we need them not.