The Plane of Fire

Perhaps the most hazardous of the elemental planes for the unprepared to set foot in, the Plane of Fire is dominated by massive volcanoes and vast seas of fire and magma. Ever present clouds of smoke and ash blot out any semblance of a sky, and any wrong step risks opening a fissure of scorching flame or searing air.

Realm: Central

Native Denizens: Fire Elementals

Other Names: The Caustic Hearth

The Plane of Fire
  • Originally Posted: February 7, 2021
  • Last Updated: May 23, 2021



The Obsidian Archipelago

While much of the Plane of Fire is covered in an endless sea of fire, there exists a handful of islands that rise to form a charred series of landmasses, sometimes referred to as the Obsidian Archipelago. Volcanoes dot these islands, erupting seemingly at random and sending rivers of lava across the landscape. Fire elementals frequently congregate around these volcanoes, occasionally fighting amongst themselves for the right to live within their cores. The largest of these islands is referred to as Pyroc.

Very little in the way of life grows here, and water never lasts long before inevitably evaporating from the heat radiating from the plane. This makes traversing the Archipelago difficult, and few are able to ever leave Pyroc. Those who have made it to the islands on the outer edge sometimes claim that there are other distant shapes across the sea of flames, but so far none have risked the venture to confirm if other islands can be found. Many write these other landmasses off as nonexistent or, more likely, simply more of the same desolate landscapes that can be found already within the Obsidian Archipelago.

The further one gets from the center of the mainland, the more alien the scenery becomes. Rock flows give way to vast fields of obsidian glass shards, jutting up from the ground in massive clusters of spikes. While hauntingly beautiful, this area especially is dangerous for travelers as the obsidian formations sometimes crack and fall on any unlucky enough to find themselves walking below.

Mount Cindrus

Seated at the center of the islands and taking up a large chunk of the central landmass is an enormous volcano known as Mount Cindrus. It has been erupting for all recorded history, and a large majority of the elementals found within this plane often cluster around its base, occasionally making pilgrimages there from other volcanoes.

Deep within the heart of this volcano are two massive elementals who are locked in a territory dispute over who can rightfully claim Mount Cindrus. These elementals, Berust and Ignis, rarely break from their battle, which causes the volcano to be considered active at all times.

The Lost Forges

There are rumours, often spread amongst craftsmen and aging blacksmiths, of forges that can be found scattered across the plane. Despite their origins being lost to history, some believe that they are still alive and burning today and that if found they can be used to create weapons of legendary quality. These weapons are said to possess properties far beyond what even the most talented of smiths can produce on Arthos, but so far none have stepped forward with proof of this.

The Ashfall Heath

One of the many smaller islands of the Obsidian Archipelago, the Ashfall Heath is unique compared to the others in the fact that it contains a startling degree of plant life. An ancient garden exists here, tended to by a collection of Fire Nymphs who reside nearly full-time on the Plane of Fire. All of the plants found within are hardy, some with flaming petals or smoldering vines, and many bolstered with magic to ensure their continued growth. Within the center of the garden is a large pavilion, its twisting arches formed of gold and draped with fine silks. The Lord of the Summer Fae Court can sometimes be found here, acting both as a vacation home of sorts and as a neutral ground outside of Faerie for them to meet with those who may otherwise be unwilling to set foot within the other plane.

Like the other islands beyond Pyroc, The Ashfall Heath is difficult to reach. Should the Summer Fae Lord be expecting visitors then a path through the sea of flames appears, but any uninvited guests who try to use it may find the path leading them far off course before vanishing entirely.

Unique Characteristics

Fire within this plane does not naturally go out, even if it lacks apparent fuel. The most obvious examples of this are the vast stretches of land that are ablaze seemingly without cause.

While the Plane does not have much in the way of weather, it is not uncommon for ash and sparks to rain down from above, blanketing the landscape in a snow-like layer of ash and soot.

There are hidden entrances to the Plane of Fire that can be found within the Vulcan Dwarven kingdom of Skalden, though outsiders are rarely permitted access. Those who wish to avoid ritual magic have also had luck opening up entrances to the plane through creating massive fires, often out of important objects and structures. 

Magic from the sphere of elemental fire is greatly empowered within this plane.

Notable Residents


Ahriman, the Firstborn of the Elements, has a temple within this plane. It is rare that he manifests within it, for he has temples on each other elemental plane as well as on Arthos, but a portion of the land near the base of Mount Cindrus is considered his territory. While some elementals are willing to let travelers bearing his mark enter into the temple, others are far more hostile and care little for trespassers within their land, regardless of their purpose there. 

Berust and Ignis

Two of the most powerful elementals within the Plane, Berust and Ignis, live within Mount Cindrus. Their influence over the other elementals within the plane is overwhelming – close to that of the Fire Titan, however they are usually too busy fighting over the territory within Mount Cindrus to ever actually make use of it. Some fear that should one ever triumph over the other they might become so bold as to challenge Vulca, but the stalemate has gone on for centuries and is unlikely to shift any time soon.


The Lord of the Summer Court, Samhradh, occasionally resides on the Ashfall Heath with a small entourage. Whenever she is absent the island and accompanying gardens are tended to by a small group of Fire Nymphs, and they are far more lenient towards uninvited guests than the master they serve. Samhradh herself rarely strays from the Heath, though she has been known to take the rare walk around Pyroc. On these occasions the elementals give her a wide berth, and only the boldest (and most foolish) of elemental lords dare approach to converse.

It is not uncommon to see Samhradh together with the Titan Vulca, the two of them walking amongst the flames of the Plane as a mortal would wade through a field of grass. This is one of the few times the Lord of Summer can be seen without her entourage attending to her, as she has no desire for them or any other to hear the conversations she chooses to have with the Titan.

Vulca, The Titan of Fire

While most fire elementals embody the raging flame of a lively fire, Vulca is something of the opposite. Their temperament is that of the slow burn of coals that one was sure had already been put out. With titles such as “The Lantern Lighter” and “The Flame of Civilization”, they are capable of creating warmth just as much as destruction, though when their temper flares it can be difficult to ever imagine them capable of peace. It is during these fits of rage that Vulca has also earned titles such as “The Flame of Pride” and “The Blaze of Conquest”. Unlike many other Titans that choose grand, intimidating appearances, the Fire Titan tends to take on a more understated form when calm. Often they take a near humanoid shape, though the subcutaneous flames that pulse under their skin betray their nature to any close enough to see them. When angered or entering a battle, however, they shed any semblance of a mortal form, at times resembling a massive gout of flame that consumes all in its path. Vulca rarely bothers to reign in the Elemental Lords of their domain, content to let them either fight or make peace as they see fit, though unlike some of the other Titans they have something of a fondness for mortals.


To be added.

Astral Alignment

As with the other elemental planes, whenever the Plane of Fire comes into alignment with other planes it allows for the easy passage of fire elementals between the two planes, with occasionally disastrous results depending on where they manifest.