Dark Elves

For the most part, Dark Elves, or Drael’Thalan, live underground and shun sunlight. Like other races that choose a subterranean lifestyle, Dark Elves have become very sensitive to bright light. Their capital is Antioch, an underground city in the middle of Maud’madir. It is said that beneath every cellar lies a secret passage into the underworld. Perhaps this is why other races treat Dark Elves with distrust and unease. Dark Elves are natural chemists and tend to excel in alchemy and chemistry.

Language: Latin

Life Expectancy: 700 to 1000 years

Child 1 – 15
Teenager 16 – 20
Young Adult 21 – 50
Mature 51 – 100
Middle Age 101 – 400
Old 400 +
Dark Elves
  • Originally Posted: March 14, 2019
  • Last Updated: March 4, 2023



Like all elves, Dark Elves are descended from the Grey Elves, and were sundered from the elven court over a thousand years ago. When the humans slaughtered the elves and slaughtered the High Council, the predecessors of the Drael’Thalan burned with rage, unable to understand how such a repugnant, ignorant lesser race could dare to draw a blade against the Elder Race.

While a small group ventured north, the majority of the forerunners of the Drael’Thalan retreated to underground complexes and began researching the dark arts of magic, assassination, poison and warfare, building a truly awe-inspiring arsenal of weaponry, manpower, and unholy alliances. Headquartered in their heavily fortified fortress city of Antioch, the Dark Elves had a safe haven from human retribution, and it is there that they would plot and make ready for war. The “Wars of Retribution” these elves would inflict upon the human race for the next thousand years forced humanity to pay a heavy price indeed, nearly eliminating them completely from the face of the world. Were it not for what many Dark Elves refer to as their ‘vermin-like’ rates of reproduction, the Dark Elves would surely have succeeded.

For several hundred years prior to 2247, House Da’Shere had ruled Antioch. In 2247, House Mesa, rumoured to be working with a demon lord, wrested control from House Da’Shere. Many were killed in the ensuing battles, and those who survived fled to the abandoned Deep Dwarven city of Golgatha, which still serves as a Dark Elven city to this day. The residents of Golgatha struggled to form alliances with many of their once-hated enemies in an attempt to retake their capital city. The four-year period of House Mesa’s rule is referred to as the “Diaspora of Light”, as many Dark Elves were forced to live on the surface world while exiled from their homeland. Those who did not escape were forced to choose between swearing unwavering loyalty to House Mesa or suffer destruction and enslavement under their rule.

In 2251, Golgatha, Berphaunt, Suvant and several minor surface settlements performed a raid on Antioch, which freed the city from the clutches of the demon lord. It is believed that the demon lord destroyed most of House Mesa and Antioch. House Da’Shere resumed its former position of leadership. With many of the older houses shattered, many of the smaller houses are using the chaos of rebuilding to establish themselves as prominent members of the oligarchy.


Drael’Thalan society is monolithic. It has only one major city and two smaller settlements. The majority of the Drael’Thalan live in Antioch, the largest and oldest of their cities. The remainder live in Golgatha. Situated in an abandoned Dwarven hold, Golgatha was only established in 2247. Finally, the Shadow Elves live on the Isle of Nitrem.


Antioch is a sprawling complex of natural tunnels, excavated dungeons, and enormous underground caverns beneath the old site of Crossroads. The city was founded over a thousand years ago, after the sundering of the elves. Antioch is home to the largest population of Dark Elves in the world. It is the seat of their largest institutions and is ruled by an oligarchy of the most powerful noble houses. Although trade is limited with such a secretive, distrustful population, Antioch is a popular exporter of potent alchemy, finely crafted stilettos, exotic flora, and well-bred slaves.

Antioch is separated into sections by heavily guarded gates. The first gate goes from the outside world to the slums of the city. There is little discrimination about who may enter this area, as it is dangerous enough that undesirables are weeded out naturally – and very quickly. The next section is the residential area for common Dark Elves, followed by a section for guilds and churches, then the noble houses, and finally the section for the ruling houses. Each subsequent section requires greater status to enter, and non-Dark Elves will have a great deal of trouble getting into the section for guilds and churches, if they even make it as far as the commoner residences.


Golgatha is the second Dark Elven city, which was created by the escaped citizens of Antioch after House Mesa conquered the city. With Antioch recaptured, Golgatha has shrunk to a third of its original size. Despite the return of many to Antioch, the church of Raze receives many pilgrims as Golgatha has begun to be seen as a symbol of the burdens and fruits of vengeance, making it a place of spiritual and religious importance for the Drael’Thalan.

The Isle of Nitrem

The Isle of Nitrem, secluded in the northwest of Maud’madir, is the home of the Shadow Elves. Shadow Elves are racially Dark Elves, but all have white hair. Unlike the other two major settlements, Nitrem is the only Dark Elf settlement built above ground. The Isle has two dormant volcanoes on the northernmost ridge of the island. These volcanoes, smouldering for years but now covered in ever steaming snow and ice, are believed to be the cause of the constant cloud covering the Isle, as well the gray-black mist that lies low in the lands closer to the volcanoes. The area within the mist is considered holy land and is known simply as ‘the Mist’. The moon and stars, which are worshipped as sacred aspects of Dietremen by the Shadow Elves who live on the island, can be seen only on occasion through the clouds. The Shadow Elves of Nitrem are looked down upon by the rest of the Dark Elves for their worship of the Dietremen, rather than Raze, and their decision to live above ground.


Both Antioch and Golgatha are matriarchal, and women dominate every aspect of politics and society. This can be seen both within individual houses and within the leadership of Drael’Thalan society. Women are, without exception, the heads of the house within a Drael’thalan family, with women outranking any non-women by default regardless of age, order of birth, or accomplishment. While a male member of a noble house is still worthy of respect, they will never hold a candle to their female counterparts when it comes to matters of politics and inter-house relations, nor can they ever hold a seat on the Senate.

For some male Drael’thalan, this is something that is accepted and even made use of. After all, Antioch is a constant political battlefield and those who are not being constantly scrutinized are allowed an extra bit of breathing room. However, many a Drael’thalan man has set out from Antioch, hoping that finding fame or fortune on the surface will do more to aid them than accomplishments within a society that tends to overlook them ever will. Others simply become Drael, abandoning their past lives for the equality found more commonly on the surface. The only time a Drael’thalan man might be offered more respect or acknowledgement would be if they became the champion or demagogue of one of the three Pillars of the Night, but even then they would still be expected to defer to the women within their field.

Gods heavily influence Dark Elven society. Worshipers emulate the characteristics and ideals of the gods they follow. Within Dark Elven society, might is right, and lives can end with just one misstep. Only the strongest survive. Marriage is rare, but lasts for a lifetime.

It is worth noting that like all elves, Dark Elves have a strong stigma against kinslaying, in that the lives of elves are sacrosanct, and to kill one is to diminish the world as a whole. If the Dark Elves were truly as bloodthirsty as the surface races believed, their low birth rate would have doomed them ages ago. This is not to say that the Drael’Thalan do not murder, but it is almost always a calculated and secretive affair. There exists a saying in Drael’Thalan society: “The real crime is getting caught.” To Drael’Thalan, being caught having committed a crime is as reprehensible as the act itself, because it shows that not only is the offender a criminal, but a sloppy one at that.

Honor is important in Dark Elven society, and it is said that a Dark Elf will never break their word. This is in part due to the dualistic nature of Drael’Thalan society. While failing to keep your word is a disgraceful act, occasionally even requiring the suicide of the transgressor, the disgrace comes largely from the fact that the person was caught. Drael’Thalan are expected to keep their word and public composure while conducting all of their illicit affairs in secret. A Dark Elf who fails to maintain this dichotomy is considered to be a failure, and has no place in the upper echelons of society.

Dark Elves are almost always looked upon by outsiders with fear and suspicion. This xenophobic view has fed a variety of superstitions and rumours. For example, some believe that the Dark Elves of Antioch devour infants, and some believe the Dark Elves have developed magic and alchemy which allow them to transmute people into clay.


High Society

For the ranking members of the high houses, Dark Elven society is one of constant intrigue and betrayal, but one would never suspect it from looking at it. The aristocracy of Dark Elven society have perfectly cultivated their personas to conceal their true natures. These personas must be maintained at all times, as the court of the oligarchs is always in session, and life is full of masquerades, galas, operas, and court affairs. Visitors can hardly believe that behind these smiling, festive faces, lie cold-blooded manipulators.

Drael’Thalan nobility, especially women, are pushed to their limits by their parents and house leaders. Encouraged to learn every manner of combat, magic, alchemy, instrument, dance, and prose, some youths crack under the pressure and run away from their positions in disgrace. Those that survive their training rise to the echelons of high society, and are the paragons of the Drael’Thalan.

Middle Class

Dark Elves generally have a higher percentage of their population in the middle class than many surface races, due to the pervasive use of foreign slaves.

The plight of the middle class is to strive to become a part of high society. These soldiers, lawyers, craftsmen, academics, merchants, and initiate priests strive to advance themselves and their houses in hopes of recognition from the oligarchs.

Imitation of the upper classes is frowned upon, as most believe that if you are to do something, you should do it well. Most of the middle class dress modestly, in clean and practical, but well-tailored, clothes.

Lower Class

The lower class of the Drael’Thalan is the dishonored, the house-less, the criminal, or the merely unfortunate. These blessed of Dietremen, the menial labourers, servants, and unskilled tradesmen of the lower class are all but ignored by their superiors. While some share the optimism of the middle class, most live a destitute and miserable life and seek only to destroy the prosperity of others. The lower class Drael’Thalan do have one advantage on their side: they are largely invisible to the upper classes. While working as servants to upper classes, the lower class hoard rumors and information, waiting for the perfect tidbit to sell to the highest bidder.

Surface Elves

Dark Elves who make their home on the surface are often the children of exiles, or disgraced themselves. Regardless of their reasons, they are shunned by the Dark Elves who live below the surface. It is considered disgraceful to even address them as “Drael’Thalan”. Instead, they are referred to as “Drael”, which denotes a disgraced Dark Elf. Some lower class Dark Elves are referred to as “Drael”, but every surface elf is referred to in this way.


Dark Elves use slaves more than almost any other race, but these slaves are almost never Drael’Thalan. Dark Elves buy or take slaves from the surface and use them for labour that they deem beneath them. Without slave labour, Antioch would be completely unsustainable. There is no legal protection for slaves, and owners may use them as the see fit. Most slave owners promise to free their slaves if they fulfill certain conditions, because it keeps their slaves in line. Whether these conditions are attainable or the owners follow through in the end is another story.

Courtship & Marriage

Drael’Thalan courtship is a complicated affair. Dark Elves are a very passionate race, bound in honor, and slow to trust. A courtship usually begins after intimacy, where a night of passion and poor choices opens the door to a sliver of trust and respect. Over time, two Dark Elves who respect one another can learn to love, and even trust, each other. It is not unheard of for Dark Elves to marry for love, especially in the middle and lower classes, but more often Drael’Thalan marry for opportunity.

Bloodline, dowry, heirs, and inheritance all come into consideration when a marriage contract is being negotiated. Both families energetically negotiate the terms of the contract and inspect the bloodlines with intense scrutiny.

Once married, a couple is expected to adhere to strict monogamy. Affairs, like violations of the law, are kept a well-guarded secret. While divorce is possible, it carries with it great stigma. The admission that a marriage was made in error is shameful. Instead, it is more likely that a spouse or a couple would meet with an unfortunate accident, or a lawyer might discover a clerical error by some novice in an obscure house which would render the marriage contract void and null. As the old Dark Elven saying goes, “Murder? Maybe. Divorce? Never!”

Social Customs

Drael’Thalan social practices vary greatly between houses and social classes. Each house has unique rituals and customs, each riddled with nuance and subtle gestures. There are some universal customs shared among all houses.

Gift Giving

While displays of respect between Dark Elves are common, the giving of gifts is not, with one notable exception: alchemical gas globes. Alchemy plays an important part in Drael’Thalan society, and gas globes are always in demand. The giving of globes is not only practical, but also shows that one trusts the recipient not to use them against the giver… At least for a little while. Non-Dark Elves who wish to show their respect through gifts are expected to give empty vials, as their gas globes are assumed to be inferior to those of Dark Elven make.


The Drael’Thalan worship one goddess above all others: Raze, the goddess of vengeance, whom the elves as a whole call Alakasha. Raze is in many ways the deification of the Dark Elven spirit. On the night of the human betrayal, the progenitors of the Dark Elves swore vengeance upon mankind for the violence they brought upon the elven people. Since that night, vengeance has been their most valued ideal. While Raze was not a god at this time, the devotion of her entire race towards the ideal of vengeance certainly acted as a catalyst for her ascension.

Within Antioch, the highest position of religious authority is the Conduit. The Conduit is the voice of Raze in the city of Antioch. She is Raze’s Avatar, and takes the form of a young Dark Elven girl. She never speaks. Instead, she speaks through a servant using a mental connection to voice her thoughts. The Conduit travels in a large metal box carried by servants, the outside of which is carved with glowing runes and wards. She commands great respect and her words are considered proclamations made by Raze herself.

Though other gods are worshipped by the Drael’Thalan, all must concede Raze’s paramountcy. While the clerics of other gods are respected, they are seen as a somewhat distasteful necessity; instruments through which Raze’s will may be achieved. Of the other gods, the Drael’Thalan hold two in high esteem: Dietremen and Lumesoren, also called Roland. Dietremen is worshipped by spies, schemers, and assassins, who pray that their covert affairs will not be discovered. Lumesoren is worshipped by warriors and often invoked in matters of law and order. To most Dark Elves, their honor, as well as the honor of their house, is their greatest possession. Dark Elves pray to Lumesoren for the preservation and restoration of their honor and social worth.

The Pillars of Night

Dark Elven society is based on the conquest of one’s peers. The constant struggle between Dark Elves is seen as the driving force for their society. Since each Drael’Thalan seeks to advance themselves in the oligarchy, the Drael’Thalan must be on a constant quest to improve themselves and stay one step ahead of their peers. The dominance of a Dark Elf is accomplished through a philosophy known as the Pillars of Night. The Drael’Thalan believe to be successful in conflict, one must use three factors: fear, surprise, and intimidation. The three Pillars are derived from the primary gods of the Dark Elves: Raze, Dietremen, and Lumesoren.

  • Fear: “Raze demands that the foes of the Drael’Thalan know the inevitability of their demise, and that her children bare her name as an oath word, a killing word. Victory can only be assured when you have broken the resolve of your foe.”
  • Surprise: “Dietremen demands that our actions be cloaked in shadow, and that the Drael’Thalan obfuscate themselves and their motives. Victory can only be assured when your foes are unaware of your actions and intent.”
  • Intimidation: “Lumesoren demands that might be carried openly and that no Drael’Thalan shy away from their greatness. Victory can only be assured when your enemies bend to your might and cower before your glory.”


The Dark Elves of Antioch are ruled by an oligarchy of the ruling houses, with one house wielding authority over all others. The exact manner in which the higher houses establish dominance is unknown.

The Senate

The highest level of Antioch’s government is the Senate. The Senate consists of 75 members of the most powerful and oldest families in all of Antioch. Members are elected for life, or until they retire, and must be female. Once a vacancy in the Senate occurs, new members must be referred by existing members, and the member must be voted in by a two thirds majority. The Senate handles all of the major decisions of the city, ranging from food production to declarations of war. Naturally, Senators constantly scheme and negotiate for declarations which benefit their house.

The Senate is presided over by a Primum, who must be referred by existing members, and must be voted in by a two thirds majority. The Primum has the authority to set the agenda and call Senate meetings to order. Prima may veto any decision or proclamation made by the Senate. Prima are voted in for 25 year terms. Both Antioch and Golgatha have their own Senate, and the manner in which these two political systems interact is a point of political contention.

The current Primum of Antioch and the majority of the Antioch Senate are members of House Da’Shere. In Golgatha, House Kil’Varal has the most seats in the Senate, while the House Damena has the Primum. Membership in the Senate is necessary for any house to be seen as a noble house. The Conduit of Raze possesses all of the rights and powers of the Primum.

The Tribune

Like the Primum, the Tribune has veto power over the Senate. Any honorable house may put forth a candidate for the people’s Tribune. The Tribune is selected by election, wherein only land owning female adults may vote. The Tribune is voted in for 15 year terms and only one Tribune may exist at a time. This is a position of great respect among the lesser houses, for it is easier for the common person to catch the ear of the Tribune than that of a Senator. It is uncommon for a member of a noble house to be elected Tribune. The Tribune is usually elected from one of the military or merchant houses.


The state army of Antioch is the largest Drael’Thalan army on the continent. According to Antioch, it was from them that the other kingdoms learned to abandon their feudal armies and adopt a singe state-run army. With specialists in siege warfare, covert operations, battle alchemy, and psychological operations, the army of Antioch was one of the most feared forces in the world for over a thousand years.

The military might of Antioch has diminished in recent years, due to the losses accumulating during the Diaspora of Light and the liberation of Antioch. During the civil war and the liberation, both sides were well prepared for the other’s tricks and tactics, and the ensuing battles were a bloodbath. The slow breeding Drael’Thalan will take centuries to fully recover from their losses. The military of Antioch is now smaller, more agile, and even more selective about the hostilities in which they choose to engage. All the same, they remain a powerful force of military might.


All houses, regardless of standing or location, are led by a Matron Mother.

Noble Houses

House Da’Shere

House Da’Shere is the reigning house in Antioch. It is led by its Matron Mother, Domma Quesal. Da’Shere is a very traditional Drael’Thalan house in that their primary specialty is alchemy. House Da’Shere is deeply concerned with the appropriate use of natural resources, and its harvest of flora and fauna is overseen by numerous druids within the house. House Da’Shere is known to send all of its members to the church of Raze for at least five decades of training before they are allowed to participate in the house’s activities in any meaningful way. The house has produced at least four clerics of Raze to date. The current Primus of Antioch is House Da’Shere’s favoured daughter, Abelia Kédonn Da’Shere, a potent alchemist and rumoured assassin.

House Kil’Varal

House Kil’Varal is the reigning house in Golgatha. It is led by its Matron Mother, Domma Tessa. During the Diaspora of Light, House Kil’Varal settled the abandoned city of Golgatha. House Kil’Varal was not always a noble house, but rose to prominence for its leadership during the Diaspora. Initially, House Kil’Varal was a merchant house which organised food production and distribution. Its intricate network of producers and distributers gave it a huge network of contacts and a wealth of experience in managing large numbers of assets, which was invaluable in organising the Drael’Thalan to form Golgatha. Since Antioch was reconquered, House Kil’varal has remained mostly in the mountain city and has left only a token presence in Antioch. They have expanded their operations to almost every trade in the city, and expand their trading empire year by year.

House Damena

House Damena is the second most powerful house in Golgatha. It is led by its Matron Mother, Domma Octavia. Unlike House Kil’Varal, Damena has long been a respected noble house, and it retains several seats in the Senate of Antioch and major holdings in the city. House Damena is primarily an artisanal house which prides itself on its beautiful textiles and fashions. Many of the members of House Damena are trend setters in both Antioch and Golgatha, and most members of the house design, if not sew, their own clothing. The house owns a large number of slave seamstresses which it trains from birth to turn its vision into reality and often sends out emissaries to the far reaches of the continent for inspiration and the latest trends.

House Mesa

House Mesa was a minor house in Antioch until it took control of the city with the help of a demon lord. They were led by their Matron Mother, Domma Moraine. Their rule only lasted four years before Antioch was reconquered and the members of the house were either killed or disappeared. It is not known whether any of the house survived. Before House Mesa took over Antioch, they were a well-rounded house with a rumoured penchant for wytchcraft.

House Ovid

House Ovid is another noble house located primarily in Antioch. It is led by its Matron Mother, Domma Palinour. Among the social elite of Antioch, they are seen as master slavers who have elevated their trade to an artform. House Ovid imports slaves of all races and skillsets from across the globe for its patrons, and have been known to take commissions from Antioch’s elite. Due to their rigorous training in various skills and art forms, their slaves are highly sought after and seen as a status symbol. As such, they are as untouchable as a masterpiece: touching one that bears the golden cuff that is their signature is a crime that can result in the removal of one’s hand, and they’re treated with more patience and a gentler hand than other slaves. Rarely there will be attempt to pass off one’s household staff as an Ovid slave with counterfeit cuffs, but this usually spells embarrassment for the master (or social ruin, if they are unpopular) the moment someone checks House Ovid’s extensive records.

Minor Houses

While this list represents only a fraction of Drael’Thalan houses, these are some of the more populous.

House Glavindel

House Glavindel was one of the minor houses that did not manage to escape from Antioch during the Diaspora and remained enslaved by House Mesa until Antioch was reclaimed. It is led by its Matron Mother, Domma Lavinia. Prior to the Diaspora, House Glavindel was a small house which made stained glass windows. Since the Diaspora, they have renounced this trade in favour of arms and a more active devotion to the church of Raze. The entire house has relocated to Golgatha since the Diaspora.

House Renaton

House Renaton is a minor house with holdings in both Antioch and Golgatha. It is led by its Matron Mother, Domma Larissa. House Renaton is famed for both its cheeses and its poisons. House Renaton is very experimental and progress-oriented in both areas and recruits, by marriage, numerous promising young Dark Elves who show an interest in either, or preferably both, of the house’s trades.

House Seve

House Seve is a minor house with holdings in both Antioch and Golgatha. It is led by its Matron Mother, Domma Malcam. House Seve is a house of scribes and negotiators. The house does not directly participate in industry or politics, but provides mediators for when parties are unable to come to an agreement themselves. The house also offers services in creating marriage contracts that satisfy both of the couple’s houses and, though they do not admit this, also include clauses which can technically invalidate a marriage contract if the couple decides they would no longer like to be married. Though House Seve has many competent scribes and negotiators, they are not the best in any particular area of negotiation, preferring the generalist approach to their business.

House Melkior’e’Shrien

House Melkior’e’Shrien is a minor house located mostly in Antioch. It is led by its Matron Mother, Domma Collorr. House Melkior and House Shrien were initially two separates houses, but over the course of a few hundred years they intermarried so frequently that there became virtually no distinction between the two and they elected to amalgamate. Both houses were primarily interested in the pursuit of magic and were both more devoted to Dietremen than the average Drael’Thalan house. They specialise in psionic, Dark, and elemental magic.

House Calarenz

House Calarenz is a minor house located solely in Golgatha. It is led by its Matron Mother, Domma Nicati. House Calarenz offers its members as guards to other houses, generally in the upper middle class range. It does not quite cater to nobles, but perhaps their less favoured friends. Members of House Calarenz are expected to become versed in all manner of weaponry, and in fact seldom carry any weapons on them to demonstrate their ability to make use of what they can find around them. This is perhaps why they are not more successful.

Common Personalities & Views

The Drael’Thalan are a driven people, whose existence is entirely built upon the concept of vengeance. With a culture rooted in war, magic, intrigue, and alchemy, Dark Elves tend to see all social interactions in terms of conflict and dominance.

Drael’Thalan value secrecy, intelligence, cunning, and skill, and look down on all other races for their perceived weakness. Dark Elven culture is rooted in the improvement of the self; often, and perhaps even preferably, at the expense of others. A Dark Elf will always keep their word, at least in public. If a Dark Elf’s lie is found out, the shame is not in the dishonesty, but the fact that one was foolish enough to get caught.

Dark Elves are typically passionate people, who are able to enjoy the pleasures of life, but they do not show this passion openly. Most Drael’Thalan have been taught from birth to conceal their true intentions and mask themselves behind a public person.

Dark Elves are a matriarchal society, however outside of Antioch and Golgatha this can vary in extremity in either direction, depending on the group or settlement.

Views on Other Races

Fire Elves: “Their ambition is admirable, but they stray too far from the true path of vengeance. They are lost without the compass of Raze, and through their commitment is laudable, without divine direction it is pointless.”

Grey Elves: “Some claim that these are elves who retained their pure form after the sundering. This is a lie. These elves are a mockery of our form and legacy, but until more can be learned of them, our hostility will manifest merely as distrust.”

High Elves: “These elves had the audacity to break bread with our enemies. After the humans tore our race asunder, these fools sought to understand them, learn from them, and even live with them! Were they not elves, I would kill each that I see. But alas, they are our brothers. As misguided as they may be, they are still elves. I pray for their salvation, and hope one day they will turn away from the light.”

Ice Elves: “In the dark, I could mistake these elves for Drael’Thalan. There is no higher compliment I can give.”

Shadow Elves: “The less that is said about these pale, embarrassing imitations, the better. They are absolutely insane.”

Stone Elves: “Emotionless, utilitarian, and predictable. While most are far too dull to be worth our time, one can occasionally find a Stone Elf with a penchant for mischief. In such elves, a Drael’Thalan can find advice and inspiration when calculating their affairs.”

Wild Elves: “Uneducated louts. The betrayal killed any ambition in them, and they remain wallowing in primitive savagery to this day. They may have our passion, but they have none of our talent or vision. They don’t see past their next meal.”

Humans: “I am thankful for the humans. The need to eradicate them has given us such clarity of purpose. If they think their help in liberating Antioch makes up for their betrayal, it will be even sweeter to eradicate them.”

Everyone Else: “I have not the energy to even distinguish between the non-elven races of the world. If they can be used, then they will be. Otherwise, they are not match for even the weakest of Drael’Thalan.”

Roleplaying Tips

  • You are a Drael’Thalan, not a Dark Elf. Do not belittle yourself by using a human term. If a Drael’Thalan has been dishonored, then they should be referred to as a ‘Drael’.
  • Being out in the ‘day’ causes your body to reject almost all forms of healing. As such, hate and loathe the sun.
  • The city of Antioch was recently liberated with the assistance of other races, including humans!
    • How did the four years of the Diaspora affect your character?
    • How did the liberation of Antioch affect your opinions of other races, especially the humans?
  • Your honor is very important to you, almost as important to you as vengeance and status. A true Drael’Thalan is able to pursue all these goals simultaneously.
  • Humans are responsible for sundering the elven courts and extinguishing a source of beauty and greatness that the world will never see again. This act is beyond forgiveness for even the most virtuous of their race, regardless of their actions during the liberation of Antioch.
  • Your character may not begin as a member of a noble house, but may be from one of the minor houses listed.
  • Necromancy is legal and viewed similarly to psionics ethically, however wytchcraft (while legal) is viewed with suspicion because it demands that you are bound to a demon as a priority, not the Pillars or a ruling noble house.
  • Non-women in Antioch in Antioch are considered second class citizens, however they are still well above any servants or slaves. This is not as enforced on the surface, but still comes up.