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Lore Updates for Warcry 2024

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Edward Watt
Posts: 40
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April 3, 2265

Maud’madir is under siege.

A foul alliance of Man and Demon ravages the lands of all those that once swore to the Light. Those that are willing to bend the knee are made to serve, while those that are not are slaughtered like suckling pigs. Their towns are razed, their fields salted, and their very hopes are washed away by the demonic tide.

Several of these foul butchers have been captured by those who still hold fast to the Light, and were subsequently put to the question. Yet, despite having seemingly very little in common, each and every single one of these demonic-tainted warriors has told the same tale. When the Hell King violated the very fabric of Arthos with his globe-spanning spell, hundreds of thousands were slain as the presence of divine magic or favour upon them became a most foul curse, ripping their very spirits from their flesh in an instant. While some were saved before death could claim them, or when others were at least strong enough of spirit to resurrect, many instead met what should have been their final end.

Ultimately, It was not.

When these beings opened their eyes, they did not bear witness to the glories of the heavens that they felt that they were owed, that they deserved for all the grim deeds they had done in the name of the Light.

Before them stretched a vast, desolate plain of nearly infinite size, its sand - pulverized bones of a million innocents. The skies that developed them were as a shrieking tempest, the spirits of countless damned mortals wailing their regrets and laments as they were whipped about like cloth in a hurricane. At the center of this horrific place stood a ziggurat of what was once white marble, now stained black by a literal ocean of divine blood that had long since scabbed over. As these spirits walked towards the foot of this grim edifice, they passed by hundreds of still living trophies, monuments to the overwhelming power & glory of the realm’s occupant.

Mounted upon blackened pikes stood the heads of both Gods and Dragons, the light of sentience still reflected faintly in their eyes, but the majority of their mind was clearly lost to madness.

Not even the strongest willed spirit amongst the throngs that shuffled to the foot of the Ziggurat could bear to look upon the figure who sat upon the loathsome throne atop its peak, for even the barest of glances invited madness and insanity. Perhaps then, that is why those present on that day or on subsequent occurrences choose not to focus on that sublime being, and instead remember what hung in the air above it.

The Black Sun.

Awash in its midnight radiance, a voice echoed forth onto the minds of each and every spirit. To those that would serve it promised power, glory, victory, and a place in the New Order that the Hellstack would impress upon all of creation. To those that refused, it promised only an eternity of torment, without the release of death or dissolution. Of those spirits, we know precious little, save that not even the strongest mystics were incapable of calling to them.

Those spirits that accepted the pact all had their own reasons for doing so. Some merely craved the power that it offered, for the previously fallen Church of Light they had fought for had just been a socially-acceptable way to indulge their darker impulses. Some gave in out of despair, reasoning that the Gods they had served in life were either truly dead, gone, or weak enough for the distinction to be unimportant. And for some, the mental fog that clouded their minds during their service to Roderick Hale never truly faded, and they simply believed that they continued uninterrupted along the same grim, yet righteous path. Whatever the case may be, all those who accepted the power of the Black Sun found themselves restored to the world of the living, empowered with both the powers of the Hellstack and divine power stolen from the Celestial realms.

Calling themselves the “Temple of the Black Sun,’ these once supposedly-righteous warriors quickly organized when they returned to the mortal plane, and with entire legions of demonic soldiers at their command they began to lay waste to what was once the Kingdom of Teifanue. Without the presence of Prince Leopold or any of his divinely appointed bloodline, its people have remained scattered and weak. Castle Lightguard was the first to fall to the Hell King’s unobfuscated demonic horde, and the pattern that was established there was then repeated countless times across the countryside. Whereas Hale had once believed that the actions of himself and his armies still served the Light, these monsters suffer no such delusions. They knew exactly what they were doing as they butchered Castle Lightguard’s people and looted priceless magical artifacts from its vaults. Since that horrific day, countless other settlements have met the same fate, and the horde shows little sign of slowing down…

The other nations of the Whiteraven Alliance have hardly fared better. Demonic cults, once the product of gossip and whispered rumors, have thrown off their cloaks of obfuscation and have begun to strike out openly at the forces of the Light in earnest. Already beset by the chaos that has engulfed Maud’madir and suffering from the losses that the Divine Severance inflicted upon their populaces, many of these nations were ill-prepared for these assaults. Their respective militaries, economies, and societies along with their leadership have truly been stretched to the breaking point. The Council of Elders has not met in months, and little to no cooperation currently exists between its various member-states. Most are simply too focused on their own survival to look past their borders and provide aid to their allies.

The Empire of Berphaunt and its client kingdoms remain closed off from the chaos that threatens to envelop the continent, and curiously this approach seems to have more or less had the desired effect. While scattered demonic assaults have touched upon the outskirts of the Empire, none of their great cities have felt the full measure of the Hellstack’s might. Berphaunt and its possessions lie almost completely unharmed, and while isolated from much of the world, life seems to continue for its citizens as it always has. Many beings, both from within the Empire and outside of it, have questioned why this is the way it is. And while there are many theories why the Empire yet remains largely unmolested, the dominant and cynical view that is commonly expressed across the continent is that quite simply, the armies of the Hellstack have already defeated the Empire. For despite all of its manpower, vast magical, economic, and military might, it does not seem to be willing to wield it. Thus, it is not a threat. Pleas for aid from all corners of Maud’madir, even from nations that would have considered the Empire their sworn enemy, lie unheeded and unanswered by the Emperor and his subjects. Indeed, the only evidence that the Empire stirs at all lies with a sudden and unexplained burst of activity from the Conclave. The Red and White towers have recently stirred to life in a manner not seen since the creation of the Gargalen, and entire teams of Archmages have left their tower laboratories in search of ancient arcane secrets.

Yet, all hope is not yet lost. Queen Seltia Allana of Felnir has rallied what remains of the repentant Church of Light to her banner, and alongside a host of her loyal Savar, fights a brutal running war with the Temple of the Black Sun in Teifanue. Where they all she could muster, it is doubtful the noble Queen could offer the demons anything more than a token resistance. Fortunately, she is not alone in this fight.

Queen Revna Mothersblood has united the Einish clans and surged south out of Mjoll, her horde of furious northern barbarians gleefully taking the fight to the cultists and their demonic masters. While most are more than happy for the aid that the Einish bring, rumors abound of entire swaths of land forsaking their bonds to Teifanue and swearing oaths of service to Queen Mothersblood. Whether this happens out of fear or out of genuine gratitude and respect is still as of yet uncertain, and some still deny that these developments occurred at all. Queen Allana has heard these rumors, but she dares not check her fellow Queen, because like it or not, all of Teifanue would have since been food for the demons were it not for the Einish warbands. She also remains torn by the fact that ultimately, it is not a war she can win, even with an army of furious Einher at her back. That much is obvious to even the lowest of her soldiers, And yet, still they continue to fight, for it is a cause worth fighting for.

This topic was modified 11 months ago 6 times by Edward Watt
This topic was modified 9 months ago by Edward Watt
Posted : 07/04/2024 7:42 pm
Edward Watt
Posts: 40
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News from the Front! May 12, 2266.

The Village of Coppergate, Tiefanue, April 26 2266.
This tale is recounted by Pitor Sirra, survivor of the Night of Rage and militiaman of Coppergate
“It began in the dead of night with a rumble that carried across the plains. Those of us who were light sleepers felt it first, but over time it grew in strength and intensity, and eventually it reached the point where the even most exhausted farmer or smith was stirred to wakefulness. We all heard it then, as we stumbled out of bed and rubbed the sleep from our eyes.

The roars, the laughter, and the cries of those who promised blood and knew that soon, very soon, that they would have it. We all of course knew what it was then, we might not be educated fancy noble types, but we heard the rumors. We knew about the army of demons and their mortal followers pillaging our once-great kingdom. But we felt, or at least had foolishly hoped, that they would not come for us. We were too far out of their path, too close to the Black Wyrm’s lands to risk a proper confrontation.

We were wrong.

The gate was melted into slag in seconds by a great winged demon at the head of their host, and then they were upon us like water rushing forth from a broken dam. Those of us who had been able to arm themselves in time attempted to hold back the tide so that the rest of the village could flee. We had silver, the captain even had an enchanted blade from his days in the service. Though we would all assuredly die, we could hold them long enough. We had too.

And perhaps we could have, if these creatures and their savage mortal slaves had fought like soldiers. But they did not. They threw themselves upon our ranks as if they were starving rapid beasts, which probably isn’t far from the truth. They seemed to care nothing for their own safety, and each fiend we cut down only saw two more take its place. The sheer weight of them all overwhelmed us, and in minutes most of us were pinned to the ground. They stabbed, bit, gouged, and tore at our flesh with wild abandon. This wasn’t a fight.

It was a feast.

I prepared to meet my end right then and there, and hoped that Kael would bear witness to my last prayers.

And then, as if the Lightbringer himself had descended to come to our aid, I saw the tide of demonic flesh part in twain. Amidst the chaos stood a young woman whom I had only met in passing, Avandra the local blacksmith’s daughter and only child. Her face and garments were slick with demon-gore, and in her hands rested the primary tool of her trade. Her face twisted with a mixture of righteous indignation and defiance, she pressed further and further into the demonic horde, her massive hammer leaving behind a trail of pulped flesh and bone, torn from both demons and their mortal comrades alike.
A cheer went up amidst those of us who still clung to life and limb, and we charged into the bloody wake she left behind, ensuring that she was not overwhelmed. We all knew who she was heading for, and that our only hope of surviving this day lay in victory over the great winged beast that commanded these demonic filth.
A great clash ensued when the smith’s daughter carved her way to the center of the horde, and despite striking several blows which blasted apart the demon’s armour, Avandra in turn was sliced across the chest by the Pit Fiend’s wicked blade. The shock and pain of the blow nearly drove her to the ground, but she would not be felled so easily. Seeing what he surely thought was a foe on their last legs, the demonic lord howled in joy and prepared for the killing blow. Avandra raised her hammer in defiance just in time and the titanic clash forced her to one knee. Avandra slowly began to rise, her every limb shaking with the effort of struggling against the Pit Fiend’s might until she was on her feet. Then, in an action none of us saw coming, she kicked out and sent the demonic stumbling backwards. As he fought to catch his balance upon his hooved feet, the smith’s daughter hurled her hammer at the beast's head, shattering its skull in a single titanic blow.

With their leader dead, the army of demons and their worshipers broke into a panic and quit the field in a manner not unlike rats fleeing a sinking ship. As the demonic tide parted and the first light dawned across the horizon, those of us that still lived looked at the battlefield, and our champion, with naught but rapt awe. For months we had heard tales of village after village being consumed by the so-called Temple of the Black Eclipse, and yet here we stood. Defiant, alive, and unafraid.
We knew that our champion was no chosen one, the blood of dragons did not run in her veins, nor was she blessed at birth by the ones on high. No, she was just a woman like us, a person who took up arms to defend the place and people she loved, a woman strong of arm and possessed of an almost inhuman resolve that helped her see that through.

All hail Avandra Ironarm, hero of Coppergate!
This post was modified 9 months ago by Edward Watt
Posted : 13/05/2024 11:35 am
Edward Watt
Posts: 40
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News from the Wilds!

The northwestern border of Ixiad’s forest, May 20, 2266

From the journal of Arangar di Spirro, Olagot’Thalan freelance scout in the service of the Whiteraven Alliance

I’d been following this Am’rath warband for days, ever since the battle at Coppergate. The officers wanted to know where these guys were based out of, maybe hit one of their camps while morale amongst our warriors was still high. They went south for several days, following the length of some small unnamed river. I followed, hidden from their sight all the way.

And then one day, without a warning or a reason that I could determine, they broke off from their original heading and started marching to the northwest. I couldn’t fathom why they decided not to link up with their other forces, and fearing that they had a more calamitous goal in mind, I kept shadowing their movements rather than returning back. We plunged right into some of the toughest old growth forests that I know, and even for myself it was not an easy journey. Each new day would see more and more of these proto-human savages give up the ghost as the journey became too much for them. They did not stop to hunt, gather water, nor did they even seem to rest longer than an hour or two. If I did not know quicker and hidden paths through these lands, I doubt I could have kept their dizzying pace. No matter how many fell, the monster leading them never stopped, never tired, never even so much as acknowledged the warriors he was losing along the way.

This leader of theirs was unlike anything I had ever seen before. I knew of the Am’arth of course, but this one, well, he was different. The few I had seen were strong, yet stupid humans. As if you had mated a roundear with a greenskin and then dropped the resulting child on its head for good measure. This one though was a tall, especially gaunt figure, not heavily muscled like most of his kind, and an uncommon yet twisted intelligence shone in his eyes. His withered pale skin has been kissed by flames that could have only been unnatural, and the few bits of hair visible upon his scalp also seem to have met the same fate. He wore naught but tattered rags and bone fetishes strewn across his frail form, but I could make out the sigil of the Temple of the Black Eclipse upon his torn surcoat. Judging from its fit upon his odd form, he probably killed its previous owner.
By the time we came to what I assumed was more or less their destination, he was basically alone. Several other Am’rath yet stood beside him, but that was all they seemed to be capable of. Hunger and exhaustion were painted across their faces, some had even tried to devour the hardy grass or nearby pine needles, to limited effect.
The Am’Rath drew close to what I knew must be the Spider Dragon’s domain, before stopping several feet short of the treeline and calling out in an ancient, demon tongue so foul even hearing it caused me incredible pain. It seems that simply inconveniencing potential spies was not his goal however, for almost as if they did so at his command, the trees part and a small Einish woman stepped clear of the treeline. She, unlike the Am’rath, was very-well dressed in both finery and jewels, and the mark of Ixiad herself sat glowing upon her cheek.
The Dragon Knight looks at the strange Am’rath for a moment. “What brings you to my humble temple. Why have you come where you are not welcome?”
A low, rumbling chuckle escaped the Am’rath’s desiccated lips.
“You know why. You know who am I. Those of us with the other-sight, we see. We all see. I come. I take.”
Green flames rise from his palms and lick the air hungrily.
“Tell me where it is. That all you good for now.”
A brief flash of righteous indignation flashes in the Einher’s eyes, before almost immediately being replaced by that cold stare of indifference that was guaranteed to be her default expression.
“You were not invited. The way is shut. Leave, slave to Demons.” Her tone sounded almost as if she were bored, and as if to emphasize that for me she dismissed her would-be attacker with a simple wave of the hand. ‘What you seek is not yours to take, nor will it be given. It belongs to She Who Walks The Strands, and her alone.
The Am’rath Wytch chuckles without humour again.
“Not leaving, want it to happen this way anyway. More fun. Come here, going to hurt you real bad, then get inside your head and make you tell where it is.”
The Dragon Knight smiles softly. “Very well. You had your chance to leave. Feast, my children. Show them what happens to uninvited guests.”
What happened next was so utterly horrifying I don’t think I realized what was going on at first, as a gray, undulating mass of hairy flesh surged forth from the Spider Dragon’s forest in waves and fell upon the Am’rath. While most of the still-living Am’Rath fell to the fangs of Ixiad’s children rather quickly, the Wytch was on another level entirely. Great torrents of sickly green flame reduced his arachnid foes to ash again and again, while other blasts of what I assume to be Wytchcraft turned a great part of the host against one another. Even when his arcane powers faded, he threw himself upon the host of spiders, tearing them apart with his bare fucking hands like the blood-crazed savage that he was.
In the end though, it was all for naught. Hundreds died, and yet thousands more swarmed the field until at last, his myriad array of poisoned wounds finally overwhelmed his mortal form. He exploded in a shower of putrid blood and gore, and the spiders withdrew back into their grim forest canopy.
Of the Dragon Knight, there was no sign.
This post was modified 9 months ago 3 times by Edward Watt
Posted : 21/05/2024 11:46 pm