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Mage Familiars

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Create <Sphere> Familiar
Pre-requisite: Occupation at 9th Level and at least one 6th Level Mage Ability
An Occupational Ability for Mages, this skill allows the Mage to create, and bring to life, a magical Familiar. 
This Familiar is a part of the Mage, created from his/her own body. Only one such creature can exist at a time for 
the Mage, and the creature is considered to have animal intelligence. The Mage may choose the Familiar’s form at 
creation, but it must in some way represent one of the Spheres of Magic that the Mage can cast. Once decided, a 
Familiar's form cannot be changed. Its size is limited to no greater than a large housecat. The Familiar is spirit 
linked to its creator, and cannot leave the Mage’s touch. It has no skills or abilities of its own, possesses no Spirit 
and cannot die, unless the Mage dies and resurrects. At any point, the Mage can choose to kill the Familiar, just 
by willing it. Doing so reverts the Familiar back to its original state of severed flesh. While in existence, the 
Familiar will hold one Battle Magic spell that the caster can currently cast. This spell is chosen when the Familiar 
is first created and can be changed or reset when the Mage chooses to re-memorize their spells for that day. At 
any point, the Mage can cast that spell as if they had the extra spell-slot in their pyramid. Once done, the Familiar 
is now “empty” and cannot store another spell until the Mage resets for the day. The Familiar will also help in the 
casting of Rituals. The Familiar can act as a secondary caster in a Ritual the Mage casts as the primary caster, 
once per day. To create a Familiar, the Mage must remove (through any means) a pound of their own flesh. Doing 
so will drop the Mage to half of their current Body. The creation ritual takes one hour to complete, during which 
time the Mage will form and shape their newly cut flesh into the image of the Familiar. Once the hour has passed, 
the Mage must declare “Magic Create <Sphere> Familiar” for the ritual to be complete. The Familiar must be visually represented by the Mage. A doll or stuffed toy will suffice, as long as it in some way resembles the  Sphere of Magic chosen. This skill may be used once per day, per purchase.

So my question is, what counts as a "Magical Creature"? Would one be able to have a small Elemental, or a pet rock for example?

1 Answer

Sure. Whatever flavour text you like.
