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Global Bans / Suspe...
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Global Bans / Suspensions: The Policy

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Edward Watt
Posts: 40
Member Admin
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Our Global Ban/Suspension policy is designed to remove problematic players on a global level, while minimizing the chance of abuse from unethical Guildmasters. A global ban or suspension is one in which the player cannot play any Underworld LARP Chapter/Guild. This cannot be decided by just one Guild, it cannot even be decided by Underworld LARP Global.


Individual guilds have the right and freedom to suspended, warn or ban, anybody they want, from their own guild. How they do that is up to their own policies and that system self polices. If a Guild drops their ban hammer liberally and without proper ethical behavior their numbers will suffer and eventually the game becomes unprofitable or not worth the trouble. They sell or Global recovers the guild and finds a new owner, hopefully who is better equipped to deal with their players in a fair and agreeable manner.


Global bans are different. One Guild should not have the authority to stop another player from leaving and joining another. For a player to warrant a global ban they must do something that has an effect across multiple chapters. This includes being convicted of serious crimes like sexual assault, a violation of human rights or lesser issues that still game breaking like rampant cheating or the inability to grasp the rules. So, in instances where this kind of act is warranted, three guilds must sign off on a global ban. The secondary and tertiary Guildmasters who are supporting the global ban/suspension must have firsthand experience or knowledge with the problematic player. Trust in the Guildmaster making the proposal is not enough.  This is then presented to Underworld LARP Global who enforce it across the board. Other guilds are contractually obligated to adhere to this. Even still, the person banned or suspended (rarely do we see global suspensions over bans) gets an appeal to Underworld LARP Global, if they want one. This appeal process is less about proving innocence and more directed to showing conspiracy or unethical collusion.  While it is highly unlikely three guilds (who are owned and operated by companies independent from one another) would unethically conspire to have an innocent player globally banned, we do recognize it is possible. Most likely if three guilds have signed off that you’re not a good fit within our gaming community, the appeal isn’t going to go far but we’re dedicated to being fair and just so we’ll do our due diligence and investigate if the player thinks they are the victim of a multi-guild conspiracy or unethical collusion. 


So, as you can see it is not something that happens often, lightly or without warrant. The system is designed so that no single source can force a ban on the global stage. It must be a collaborative effort by at least 3 separately owned guilds and even then, the banned player can make an appeal. This almost always ensures the chance of mistakes or abuse is exceptionally low.


By default, the minimum length of a global ban is 6 months, unless otherwise adjusted by Underworld LARP Global. A second Global Ban/Suspension is limited in length to 2 years, unless otherwise adjusted by Underworld LARP Global. A 3rd Global Ban/Suspension will be permanent. Underworld LARP Global will never lessen the period of Ban/Suspension but may lengthen it on the advice of the Guildmasters’s or at their own discretion. This does not mean after 6 months you are welcome back. It simply means we will review at that time with the three or more guilds who supported the ban initially, to see if any information has changed and if they still support the ban.




1) Player A has cheated across multiple guilds and is given a global ban by four guilds. After 6 months has passed that player contacts global and wishes to return. We convene with the Guildmasters of those initial four guilds and ask them if they wish the ban to be upheld. Two of the four do not, as they feel Player A has learned their lesson. The global ban is now lifted but local bans may remain in place. Had three guilds wished the ban to be upheld, Player A would continue to be globally banned from all underworld events.


2) Player B is accused of aggravated assault. It is upheld by three guilds. After 6 months those guilds remain steadfast that this person is a threat and the global ban is upheld for another 2 years. Later the person is convicted of aggravated assault and the ban, regardless of the wishes of other Guildmasters, is made permanent by Underworld Global.


Finally, Underworld LARP Global reserves the right to ban or suspend any player, immediately, and without Guildmaster approval, if a player is:  1) committing an act that is harmful to business-critical functions. This includes the global database, Global website, Guildmaster groups and forums, Global socials, etc. 2) Any player who has currently been charged with a violent or sexually motivated felony, for the period during which the charges are pending. 3) Any player who has been convicted of a sex related felony.


Hope that clears things up. Ultimately the safety of our players is paramount in the creation of this policy. If you see ways we can improve this policy please don’t hesitate to email us at

This topic was modified 5 years ago 4 times by Edward Watt
Posted : 15/10/2019 9:50 pm