This list isn’t complete and will be updated on an ongoing basis.
Battle Magic: any magic up to, and including, 9th level spells.
Blanket: a set of Character Points (CP) given to your character. You receive a blanket at the beginning of each event, and can earn more through by attending events or other means. As your character gets higher, each blanket contains less CP.
Boffer Weapon: padded weapon used for combat at Underworld.
Build Day: a non-game day when OOG work is done on the site (e.g. gathering firewood).
Character Points (CP): points available that you can use to “build” your character with from the Skills Cost Charts.
Class: the type of character that you are playing. There are 3 main classes (Warrior, Rogue, Scholar) each divided into 3 subclasses, also known as occupations (Mercenary/Ranger/Templar, Assassin/Nightblade/Witch Hunter, Druid/Mage/Bard).
Find Out In Game (FOIG): to learn how something happened IG. Often said to prevent metagaming.
Formal Magic: all magic that is 10th level and above. Also known as Ritual Magic.
Gas Globe: an orange cloth packet filled with birdseed, used to represent alchemy.
Hold: an OOG term used to pause the game. May be called by anyone to pause a potential medical situation, or by Shapers to explain what is happening (commonly known as “descriptive hold”). The hold may be unpaused by the original caller saying, “Three, two, one, lay on.”
In Character (IC): playing a specific character, role and personality. Also known as In Game.
In Game (IG): the game world you’re playing in.
Infernal(ism): OOG items found in the IG world (e.g. a phone at Town Centre). Excessive infernalism feeds IG demons. Certain items are necessary and can’t be avoided (e.g. tents and water bottles), but should minimize their appearance.
Jericho: the town Underworld primarily takes place in.
Kalidor: IG, a distant island far from Jericho. OOG, the Edmonton branch of Underworld LARP.
LARP: Live Action Role-Playing
Logistics (Log): the database where your character information is registered and updated at each event. Also refers to the team of people who manage the database.
Marshal: a person dedicated to a specific OOG role (e.g. Armour Marshal, Medical Marshal). May or may not be a Shaper.
Medic: OOG call for a Medical Marshal for a medical emergency. Avoid saying IG.
Metagaming: using OOG knowledge to aid or benefit characters IG.
Module (mod): IG quests and scenarios.
Non-Player Character (NPC): characters created by Plot for any number of purposes.
Out of Character (OOC): real-life behaviour, or behaving as a character commonly wouldn’t.
Out of Game (OOG): not seen in the game world. Signified by holding a hand on top of your head or wearing a white headband.
Occupation: an OOG designation of the type of character you play: Mercenary, Ranger, Templar; Assassin, Nightblade, Witch Hunter; Druid, Mage, Bard. Not necessarily corresponds to your IG occupation.
Player Character (PC): characters created by the people playing the game.
PC-NPC: a specific character controlled by Plot. These are usually recurring characters who are important to a plot, such as foreign officials.
Physical Representation (physrep): a physical item used to represent a game item.
Plot Team (Plot): Shapers specifically running plot, or the overarching story.
Prelog: a time period when players pre-register their attendance to the upcoming event. May also refer to Logistics.
PVC: common piping used for the core of Boffer Weapons, wrapped in foam (of course).
Race: categorization of different physical species in Underworld (e.g. Human, Dwarf, Savar).
Racial: skill available only to specific races. (e.g. Wild Elf “Chosen Enemy”)
Ralinwood: IG, a settlement a month’s travel south of Jericho. OOG, the London branch of Underworld LARP.
Ritual Magic: magic at the 10th level and above. Refer to the appendix in the core rulebook.
Roleplaying (RP): assuming the role of the character you’ve created.
Season: OOG game year or time. Off-season is the winter months (typically January through March); the season properly begins and ends at the first and last weekend events.
Season NPC: a person dedicated to playing NPCs for the entire season. May control a PC-NPC.
Shaper: a person who runs the OOG aspects of the game (e.g. organizing mods). Bring them tea, coffee or a snack of their choice.
Skills: specific abilities characters can use IG.
Socks: always wear a warm and dry pair!
Spirit-Linked: an IG item permanently attached to your person; it cannot be lost, stolen, or removed from your immediate vicinity (e.g. if you put down a spirit-linked book, and someone tries to walk away with it, it will reappear at your feet after a few steps).
Soul Fragments (frags): OOG currency to access special races, skills and occupations.
Spell Packet: a white cloth packet of birdseed, used to represent mana IG.
Tag: a yellow piece of paper signifying a game item. Many game-affecting items require tags to use e.g. weapons/armour, scrolls, lights.
Tavern Night: a day or evening event hosted at an indoor location. Typical for winter, off-season events, as it’s too cold to go camping. Generally more focused on RP.